Phrases for the birth of a baby

Congratulating those who have just been parents can be something really beautiful, expressing joy about birth is usually very grateful for parents. It may be the case that we do not know how to express the happiness and joy we feel, for this, we leave you with endless phrases suitable for each celebration.

In the case of phrases for a birth, we can opt for a select sample with examples such as, “A birth represents the beginning of everything - it is the miracle of the present and the hope of the future. Congratulations on the birth of your baby ”or“ Today the flowers have a special color, the birds sing more, the sun shines with a new force and tonight the stars will smile for the birth of their new baby. Congratulations."

We can also access phrases dedicated to babies, what they represent, how they motivate us or the joy they provide us, in short, it will always be a useful resource if we don't know very well what to say.

We leave you some sentences:

Every baby needs a lap.

It is easier to build a strong son than to repair a broken man. (Frederick Douglas)

Parents have two fundamental roles. First teach our children to speak. And then teach them to remain silent.

Hope, strength, vulnerability, innocence, future, courage, purity, love, trust ... My baby owns all that, and more.

People who tell us that they sleep like a baby do not usually have any children. (Leo J. Burke)

Leave yours for the birth of the baby in the comments!