"Baby on board", new reallity in sight (and this time looking good)

A new television program dedicated to motherhood knocks on our doors. It's about "Baby on board", which will be broadcast on Divinity and that addresses the first moments of the newborn in the life of his mother.

The emotions of giving birth, doubts and insecurities with the care of the newborn baby and the help of an expert doula are the incentives of the program. There are many changes with the arrival of the baby who intends to pick up this program that is presented as a new branded content format.

And if, like me, you had no idea what that means, here is the definition of our colleagues from Vaya Tele:

The branded content consists of creating content around the values ​​of a brand for the audience of the same, so that the content is practical, relevant and it is the brand that speaks to its audience in a non-intrusive way not only about its products, if not about the values ​​and style that a brand wants to convey.

In this case, it is the Bezoya brand that is behind "Baby on board", which wants to become a guide for the first days of life of the newborn.

Addressing real cases, the problem will answer the typical first-time questions, provide information on the care and needs of the baby and show how relationships between family members change after the arrival of the newborn.

The program has Montse Cob as a coach, a young mother with a degree in Biological Sciences and a certified Yoga teacher who works as a doula and who seems to give the program a very interesting perspective. Among its work, promote a decrease in the risk of postpartum depression, an increase in the probability of success in breastfeeding and a strengthening of the bond between the mother and the baby. Sounds good, right?

Surely the program will give interesting moments to comment with you, although as we have seen in the case of other television spaces lately it has not been for good ("Baby bomm", "Teen mothers", "Supernanny" ...). Hopefully we can talk to you in another way this time.

We will be attentive to "Baby on board", the new television program on motherhood that in principle and with that approach of a doula accompanying recent mothers, it looks great.

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