How strange is it to see several parents carrying their babies?

These days I am seeing through social networks that this picture of five parents carrying their five babies is being shared and commented as if what these parents are doing is something exceptional or special.

In some comments I have come to read that it is a fantastic photo, that the men, in those lides, are very sexy, that it is impressive to see men carrying their babies or something like “my husband could already learn from them”. I then wonder: How strange is it to see several parents carrying their babies?

Then I think a little about the subject and I realize that in a way, and although I would like to answer no, that it is something natural and normal, yes it is a quite exceptional photo because it is very likely to be difficult to repeat it in many places.

Seeing a father with a baby carrier carrying his baby is normal, logical, natural today ... he has nothing from the other world. However, seeing five men together carrying their babies is much more difficult for several reasons.

One, that the men who carry our babies on top of us usually have beautiful women at our side that breastfeed our children. It is not a condition sine qua non, but usually occurs. If this is the case in at least 3 or 4 of the 5 parents, these babies usually breastfeed more often than those in a bottle and, as a rule of three, spend more time in their mothers' arms.

It is difficult to get five babies to have a good time in the arms of their parents without them starting to cry from hunger (and these men can do little in that case), so this photo can only be real if it is made by one of the mothers, while the other 4 smile at his side.

Another reason why the photo is quite unrepeatable is that although several friends with babies agree in the same place and in the same place, it doesn't usually happen that everyone has the same parenting philosophy. I don't know how you parents have lived it (and you, moms) but I, as a father with a certain parenting style, have realized that some of my friends with children raise their children differently. If one day he stayed with them I would take a foulard or a backpack, probably, another would take his baby in a stroller, another in a backpack but with the baby looking out, another would have decided to leave the baby at home ...

Maybe this picture could be taken in case these parents have met after, once they have been parents, with their young babies of a similar age and with a common parenting philosophy. So, just like that, could I explain this image to myself.

If instead I think of a picture with five moms carrying their five babies I don't appreciate anything out of place, nothing abnormal. Maybe this is a sign that parents we still have a long way to go in terms of taking responsibility for our childrenPerhaps it is true that many husbands should see these five parents with their five babies to lose their fear of portage, to lose their fear of the baby and to do more than four carantos.

By the way, are parents really sexy when we "carry" our children?

Oh, not done before, the photo is from a company that markets baby carriers, called One Love Baby Carriers.

Video: Baby Girl Was Acting Strange, So Her Mother Planted Hidden Camera And Captures A Nightmare (July 2024).