Halloween candy boxes

I don't know how the celebration index of a party like in Spain is Halloween, in which one does not know very well what one celebrates, but knows that it is a funny night because all the scary characters have room.

In my house, for example, the "Castanyada" is celebrated, a party that is celebrated on the eve of "All Saints", not very related to Halloween, to which, to give a little fun, we have added some vampiric and spooky elements, joining both parties. Come on, that neither the children are going to spend the night eating chestnuts nor are they going to call the doormen to the many asking for caramelitos: at home, celebrating a little of both.

To give the party a touch Halloweenian It is necessary to put some decoration accordingly and perhaps put some caramelitos or what everyone wants to put in a basket, as do those who really celebrate this party. For those who want to do something more or less standard for all children, there are some models of Halloween candy boxes, which can be printed, trimmed and assembled.

Halloween candy box: black cat

We start with one in which the protagonist is a cat of those that nobody would want to have or cross the street. The assembly is very simple, so you don't need too many instructions.

You can reach it through the page Crafts for Halloween.

Halloween candy boxes: witch design and kids with pumpkins

To continue we have another with some children dressed as pumpkin, something more childish than the previous one.

You can access it through the Crafts page, which is the same page where you can download the box you see at the beginning of the entry, that of the little witch.

Halloween candy boxes: Hello Kitty

Finally you can print several models of Hello Kitty boxes, that cat that all children know without having seen their drawings in life (as far as I know they are not broadcast on TV ...).

You can find them on the page Diabolic Manzanite and there is nothing less than seven different models.

Well come on! You already have work. Rescue the scissors and glue stick and grease your fingers to re-cut and paste as we did in childhood and not as the "cut" and "paste" now, which is done with "Ctrl + X" and "Ctrol + V "(sorry, English humor).

Video: Halloween Candy Boxes. 6x6 Series #2 (July 2024).