Humidifiers: what they are for and types

We are ready to continue with our special gadgets and technology for the care of our baby.

And today we have to talk about an element that is not talked about much until the pediatrician recommends it: humidifier. This device is a very simple element, composed of a water container that, through different systems, evaporates and becomes part of the air in the room in which we have it placed. With it we will improve the humidity of the room and favor that the air we breathe is less aggressive for the airways.

Next we will see so that we can use this device, what types exist and the correct way to use them at home.

Humidifiers, what are they for

At home, especially when we have children, it is very important to keep a proper atmosphere. This means that the temperature and humidity are in adequate values. In winter, with the use of heating, with the increase of the first and the decrease of the second, together with the fact that the house air is usually renewed less, the situation is complicated.

The humidifiers They help us improve that environment by increasing humidity, which also translates into a lower risk of the microorganisms causing respiratory infections proliferating. In addition, we get that the air is not so dry, which prevents the air from producing irritations in the throat and skin. Finally, the passage of colds becomes more bearable if the humidity is between 40 and 60 percent.

Types of humidifiers

Although until recently it was usual to differentiate between vaporizers and humidifiers, we are going to consider the two types of equipment that exist as humidifiers. And from there we will establish a classification based on the way the team has to bring water to the air around us.

  • Cold steam humidifiers: Normally they work by means of ultrasounds that evaporate the water from the container very efficiently. Its advantages are basically three: they do not pose a danger from a hot source, we can use them in summer since they do not increase the ambient temperature and the water vapor they produce is finer and easier to inspire. In some models they recommend using distilled water since the equipment does not boil it before and could carry infectious microorganisms.
  • Hot steam humidifiers: use heat evaporation as a method, so we can use tap water. They are cheaper than ultrasonic but pose a danger of running hot and also raise the ambient temperature.

A special type of humidifiers are those that carry ionizer, which earns an extra that is the generation of negative ions that attack the air pollutant particles and keeps it cleaner and purer.

Humidifiers, ways of use

As you can imagine, the use of these devices that increase household humidity It is very simple. They work with electric power and the greatest danger is those of the hot type, because they boil the water and that always has to be an alert.

In general, we should monitor the humidifiers:

  • Cleaning, so that we do not cause them to be a source of non-beneficial microorganisms. Important not to use detergent or rinse it very well because the remains will be integrated into the environment when we activate the equipment. Water should also be changed daily.
  • Use it when convenient, that is, when there are respiratory problems, in winter due to dry air or when the temperature-humidity combination is not correct.
  • Be careful where we put it, that is not within the reach of the little ones.

In Babies and More | Choose the right humidifier.

Video: What is HUMIDIFIER? What does HUMIDIFIER mean? HUMIDIFIER meaning, definition & explanation (July 2024).