10,000 children remain hospitalized in China

At least 10,000 Chinese children continue to be hospitalized in China for unprecedented health drama caused by the contaminated milk for infants. Fortunately, none more has died and the number is four children who have lost their lives, which is already horrifying.

What has not been published, and we may never know, is the total number of people affected by the different brands of milk that have been marketed with melamine in its composition. Nor will we ever fully know the long-term effects of this massive poisoning. China has accustomed us to news of this kind and to a way of handling very biased information. In this, as in other cases, a faster action in favor of those affected could have mitigated the consequences. However, food adulteration or problems in them are not things that only affect China. In Europe there have been many and surely discoveries will continue to appear about the damages of preservatives, dyes, containers, hydrogenated fats, livestock feed, pesticides and transgenic. Do we blindly trust controls and companies? I do not. Experience tells me that we must be very cautious. And that is one more reason to provide our children with as little processed foods as possible, natural, organic. As the breastmilk. I wish in China the authorities would have supported a breastfeeding promotion policy instead of dairy industries. Today's news would have been different.

Video: 5 Unsolved Mysteries Of China (July 2024).