Let the baby decide when to be born

Gestation is the most complex human process that has a beginning, the moment of conception, and an end, the birth of the baby. For 38 weeks (40 counting from the date of the last menstruation) the baby develops inside the womb until he is ready to go out into the world.

The pregnancy, I read once and excuse the allegory, is like cooking a stew over low heat. You can not hurry the fire so that it is ready before, because it does not go well, the taste is not the same. The stew is at its right point, if we have patience and keep it simmering for as long as it needs. Under normal conditions, the baby should also remain in the womb until the delivery is naturally triggered, It is he who decides when to be born.

Births ... at term?

Childbirth is triggered by a conjunction of synchronized biological factors between the mother and the baby. It is the latter who sends endocrine signals to the placenta and to the mother so that her body starts the segregation of oxytocin, a hormone responsible for causing uterine contractions that give rise to birth.

In Babies and more, being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42

A term delivery is considered one that occurs between week 37 and 42 of pregnancy, but obviously being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42. There is nothing less than five weeks between one and another, a difference that can be abysmal when we talk about the development of the baby.

Each day that passes inside the uterus is essential for your health. Between week 37 and 39, major organs such as the lungs, brain and liver continue to complete their development.

In fact, the American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology has decided to introduce some nuances in the definitions of what a term delivery is, clarifying that induced deliveries and caesarean sections scheduled before the end of week 39 are not considered normal term deliveries, and so they are advised against.

Calculation margins

The baby is born in week 40, in theory, but this does not always happen. It is not necessary to evict it by the end of week 40 as if it had an expiration date, if the child is not yet born it is because he is not yet ready to do so

A late term delivery is calculated between 41 and 42 weeks since a calculation margin is established, since the conception could have happened later than previously thought, therefore the delivery date moves one or two weeks .

After 42 weeks there are certain risks to the health of the mother and the baby, such as aged placenta, reduction of amniotic fluid, macrosomia or aspiration of meconium.

It is unlikely that the baby has not decided to be born before week 42. Only 10 percent are born this week. If this happens, that by the end of week 42 the baby has not shown signs of leaving, it is essential to carry out an exhaustive medical check to detect any possible risk and if necessary assess the induction.

Impatience, doubts, fears

As the birth date approaches the anxiety of having the baby in arms increases. After 37 weeks, any small abnormality may lead us to consider the convenience of advancing the delivery, but it is important to properly inform the doctor about the extent of this complication and assess what is best.

Induction with synthetic oxytocin and elective caesarean section (without a medical reason for weight) are not always the best alternative, as the complications they bring may be greater.

Let the baby decide

Gestation is a wonderful process, almost miraculous I would say. It seems incredible that this perfect little person has been formed within us for nine months.

When the baby is ready to be born, returning to the above, when the stew has reached its point, a hormonal response of the mother is prepared that prepares it to be born. The baby becomes alert and receptive to recognize his mother and the environment, to favor what is known as the moment of imprinting, which in the case of births that are not triggered naturally, that response is altered.