An ultraviolet camera shows the incredible difference between the skin of children and adults

What would the sun see if it could see us? Exactly what is seen in this video in which an ultraviolet camera is used in which there are a lot of spots and imperfections that we cannot see with our eye. And is that as the sun's ultraviolet rays touch our skin, they modify and alter it. Many freckles, many spots appear visible as time passes. Others, on the other hand, can only be seen if you have a camera like this.

The video was made by Thomas Leveritt, more than 8 million people have already seen it, and it shows some people passing through the street how they look with their special camera. The amazing thing is to see what is the difference between the skin of children, still perfect and the skin of adults, with many more dark areas per cluster of melanin.

What does the video say?

The video starts with a "This is how you look. This is how you look in ultraviolet". Then we see a young girl, blonde, very white skin, become her appearance in ultraviolet, herself but with many spots and freckles that have not yet become visible. We can even see a broken tooth, one of the central incisors, which the dentist fixed. She, of course, is surprised.

"An ultraviolet camera can show even invisible changes in the skin", follow the video, and then we see more adults with their different spots. "We are all born with good skin", go on, and then, to compare, show us children's skin, seeing the big difference between them and us.

Then adult people appear with the skin very similar to that of children, and we can read "Healthy skin is easy to find". And finally, it shows us what protective creams look like, or how the sun would see them: impenetrable. First we see how the glasses crystals, UV blockers, look in black. As a rule of three, seeing the cream in black, we also see that UV rays cannot "see beyond", that is, they cannot burn the skin.

How harmful is the sun?

Watching the video it seems that the sun's UV rays are especially harmful and that the people who appear with the most spots and freckles are the ones who have taken care of it the worst, because they are the ones with the "worst" skin. However, it seems that it is obvious that people of different ethnicities have different skin.

People with light skin, with light hair (blond) or redhead they have a skin with many more freckles than the rest. It is not a question of "you are not to put on cream", but a matter of genetics. The sun gets that on the skin of those people. And people with darker skin have a skin more prepared for the sun and those spots do not occur, when perhaps they are the least protected from the king star, and many will not even know what the protective cream is.

It is very possible that the blonde girl, the first and last one that appears, full of little fish that can only be seen through the ultraviolet camera, has always taken into account the effect of the sun on the skin and has always used sunscreen. But since his skin is like that, it is quite possible that freckles and more freckles have gone out all the way through the body, visible, to which we must add all the invisible ones.

Children are born without freckles, with the skin as we have seen in the children of the video, and little by little they begin to appear, but that does not mean that they have insane skin, because we all have freckles, but that they have a skin more prepared to the sun, or less prepared. What you have to watch out for are those freckles that we see clearly that are growing or that take relief and, obviously, make use of creams when we see that there is a risk that children will burn. For the rest, it is still an amazing and curious video.

Video: UV Camera Shows the Amazing Secrets Hidden in Your Skin (July 2024).