Why don't you find an excuse to stop making this beautiful set of finger puppets?

I can not help but go from time to time for Charlotte Handmade to seek inspiration, and although I can not gather the time I would like to do some of the beautiful things that you propose, His ideas are buzzing inside me, and from time to time some take shape.

This time it is this group of forest animals that we can do to give to that little friend of the summer with whom our son will be reunited shortly, or to the nephew who is about to be born, although for now he will not need any ( the aunts are so exaggerated with the sobris), well actually, you can do it for what you want, but they are very beautiful and very simple.

As simple as knowing how to take a needle, what do you not know ?; to see, I have not said to be experts / seamstresses / experts, just knowing how to thread the thread, pass the pattern to the fabric, and have a little patience. It may be the first step of a lasting hobby, or you may want to know anything about thimbles, buttons and so on. But for trying nothing we lose.

In each of the animals the steps are detailed with images included, and list of necessary materials. Basically they are: needle and thread, felt, sewing scissors, sewing soap to mark, and the corresponding pattern that you will download directly from the entrance of Charlotte.

The pattern is trimmed, it is held on the fabric with head needles (I do it so I am a little clumsy, and I prefer to go slowly but surely) and after drawing the outline. Once the felt shape has been trimmed (remember: fold in the animals' bodies), we go to mount on one of the parts of the body elements such as ears, nose, etc.. And we follow the instructions to give stitches that simulate owl legs or hedgehog eyes.

When this is done, we finish our felt puppet basting the edges with cotton thread (This way we make sure that they are adjusted without mistakes), and then we sew with nylon of the corresponding color. They are such small pieces that we do not need a machine, at most a little concentration and patience.

As you can see the final touch is an envelope and a tie to tie, give a characteristic touch to the gift. Don't you think they are beautiful?