Rare diseases, unique patients

Two months ago we celebrated the Day of rare diseases in order to raise awareness and raise awareness about the needs of people who suffer from them. If there is something important to advance in the cure of these diseases is to make them known, so from Babies and more we join all the campaigns that make it possible.

With Rare diseases, unique patients It is intended to show the person behind each disease. There is a life story behind each patient, each family. The disease not only affects the patient, but the whole family nucleus that happens to live pending it.

Each patient is unique, each of the three million Spaniards who suffer from a rare disease. When talking about them, I can't help remembering the moving story of the family with three children with Sanfilippo Syndrome who run a race against time seeking to raise money to invest in research that makes treatment possible.

Each person, each family that lives with a rare disease has a different and unique reality. Because they are infrequent, that is to say they have a low prevalence in society, they do not receive the necessary funding to carry out research that finally achieves a cure. There are some so rare that it is very difficult to diagnose them.

Giving them visibility by bringing the reality of the sick to everyone is a way to help.

Video: Rare Disease Diagnosis: Journey of Hope Karter's Story (May 2024).