Reading can be promoted at any time during the school day, and from any subject

In schools it is a priority to get students to appreciate reading, because they know that this is a factor that favors school success. In Peques and Más we usually talk about the role of the family, but it is undeniable involvement of teachers in the promotion of reading.

For Ana Garralón, children's reading has few secrets: she has had her own specialized bookstore, has been part of the jury of some prize, and has also been a project consultant. I want to share your ticket with you “10 ideas for teachers to promote reading in the classroom” It has a very positive and inclusive vision, because it assumes that it is not only promoted from the time of the Reading Plan, but can be achieved from any subject. The main ingredients are eager to do so and be aware of the very important work that each of you (teachers) do.

Ana gives us ideas to promote reading in the classroom, ranging from showing interest in student readings knowing their interests; until recommending readings, going through reading aloud during class, or looking for books aimed at the ages of the students to expand the knowledge they intend to convey.

They are a total of 10 very useful tips, to which I allow myself to add, with Ana's permission an eleventh.

"If you are able to write a story (of a genre that students like by age) invented in which the protagonists are themselves. Success assured !, my son's teacher has done it and they read it every week for chapters, it is of adventures and mystery (10/11 years), and the protas: the two classes of fifth, and the two professors ".

If you are a teacher, you already know: reading can be promoted at any time during the school day, and from any subject. Surely you are for the work, did you like these recommendations? Do you want to do any more?

UPGRADE: At Ana's request, I have modified the post summarizing the original entry, which you can access from the link in the fourth paragraph, from here and from the bottom of the entry.

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