Checkmate to school failure at the Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini School in Madrid on April 26, 2014

He Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini School wants and bets on educational innovation and that is why it is part of a group of innovative schools that demand change. In this case we are summoned to the first Cabrini School Chess Meeting on April 26, 2014 from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. in which he will also participate Leontxo García with a lecture that is titled Journey to the fascinating world of chess.

There will also be chess games for children who can participate with ages up to 16 years. The meeting is organized by the Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini School Center, FSIE (Federation of independent education unions) and the A.M.P.A of the school. Registration is free and can be made from March 24 to April 4. The categories are sub-16, fry, baby and prebenjamin. The referee is Francisco Marcos and to expand the information I recommend checking the school website at the end of the article.

The Santa Francisca Javier Cabrini school in the Madrid neighborhood of Hortaleza has already incorporated chess in the Infant and Primary education courses for their abilities to increase concentration, patience and persistence. It is an initiative that has already told us Pilar San Miguel of the FSIE when he explained the Jaque mate initiative to school failure.

Veronica Lopez She is the coordinator of the Chess project of the school that explains that "chess is a playful activity with which intellectual capacity is increased and skills such as decision making, forecasting and planning are developed along with essential attitudes such as effort and tenacity". As you can see in the image, extracted from the school page, the learning includes a weekly session from 1º of Infant Education to 6º of Primary Education in which a theoretical and other practical part is developed.

In addition to chess, in this school they work on the project bilingual and in cooperative learning, that is, learn to learn.

I sign up for the appointment next April 26 and I hope to spend to know the experiences of the school and enjoy a talk again Leontxo García That, after publishing his excellent book Chess and science, mixed passions will surely surprise us again with new projects and ideas about this sport.

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