The best posts about pregnancy of 2013

The end of the year is coming and it is time to take stock of the most outstanding contents that we have published in Babies and more in the last twelve months.

We have offered many contents in all the categories that we cover in the blog, but we wanted to look back to make a selection of highlights of the year in each one of them.

We start then by the best posts about pregnancy of 2013.

Pregnancy week by week

We have given detailed information on how the baby grows and the changes that occur in the pregnant week by week, from the moment of conception until the birth of the baby. What week are you in? Check everything you need to know there.

Incomprehensible: between 20 and 45% of pregnant women consume alcohol

Along with tobacco, alcohol is the most harmful habit for the developing baby. Still, and although it is recommended not drink a drop of alcohol in pregnancy, the number of women who drink during pregnancy remains high.

Incredible images that show what the new 3D ultrasound will look like

We have been speechless to know the images of what can be seen with the new ultrasound scanners that provide a realism that had never been achieved before. They add color, texture, lights and shadows ... You can see the baby in more detail and accuracy.

Ask the midwife: How is the due date calculated and how long to wait?

Our midwife has explained to us how to do the accounts to calculate the due date as accurately as possible and how long to wait in the event that the delivery should be induced.

Cervical mucus and fertility

We teach you to recognize fertility signs that we can observe in the cervical mucus to improve the chances of achieving pregnancy.

Miscarriage: causes and symptoms

It is one of the main concerns of the pregnant woman in the first weeks. We explain why it happens and how to recognize the warning signs of a miscarriage.

The first symptoms of pregnancy that make you believe you expect a baby

We tell you what are the signs that might make you suspect that you are pregnant. All the changes that the woman's body experiences in the first weeks of pregnancy.

Being born in week 37 is not the same as being born in 42

Every day the baby is inside the womb it is vital for its development. It is said that a baby is considered "full term" when born between week 37 and week 42 of gestation, but it is not the same.

Fashion for pregnant women comfortable and chic to go to work

We suggest five looks for pregnant women ideal for day to day. The premise we took into account is that they were comfortable and versatile without spending too much money.

From Sara Carbonero and other pregnant women who do not accept physical changes well

We have talked, through a known character, about the acceptance of the changes that occur in the body of the pregnant. There are women who don't get along too well.

Pilar Rubio and how a pregnancy destroys the body

Also through a known character, since they are strong references, we wanted to address the superficiality with which people sometimes talk about physical changes in pregnancy.