They deliver the wrong girl to the hospital because she was a boy!

It is not the first time that happens, and if the protocols remain the same, separating babies from their mothers without need, who knows if it will not be the last. Marta Montes gave birth by caesarean section at the Mother and Child Hospital of Malaga to her daughter, Naia. The recovery was typical, a couple of hours waiting for the anesthesia effect to pass and everything was fine, and then went up to the floor with her baby. There they all received them with the usual smile, with happiness and with the typical dialogue of "well it looks like ..." and, when they had more or less found the similarities, when going to change his diaper, the confusion came.

The little girl Naia had a penis, and as in the period of time between he was born and his diaper was removed it was difficult for one to have grown, they quickly notified the center staff because that boy was not his daughter. In total there were two hours of change, which could have been many more.

How it all happened

Many more because I remember that the first diaper we changed to my son, the oldest one we did later ... maybe it took us 4 or 5 hours to change it, which is when he made his first poop. The fact is that the girl could spend a few seconds with her mother after birth, and then, instead of leaving her with her, something logical if both were well, they took the girl to the nest.

But there in the nest Naia met a little boy who, at the time of being delivered to Marta, was the chosen one. She went up with him, was with him in her arms, he breastfed, he took pictures and probably shared them with the family not present, a massive message to the mobile contacts to give the great news. He had the impression that Naia was a little different from how they had been shown a while earlier and that he didn't look too much like his brother Hector, but he didn't give it much importance. After a while, Marta's mother decided to open the diaper, she says, "by intuition".

The scare was tremendous, they started thinking about everything. Twenty minutes that surely were longer than twenty hours. And finally they made the change. They handed Naia to her real mother and took the boy back to the nest, where the girl was. Apparently, the boy's mother was still in the recovery room. She had given birth almost at the same time as Marta, and curiously they both shared space, time and words there, and unfortunately, they even shared their baby, without knowing it. In fact, the other mother did not find out about the movie until two days later. Imagine what a bad feeling to know that your baby has been with another family, that they have taken pictures thinking that it was his, that they have breastfed him, that…

The version (s) of the facts

Naia's parents, of course, asked for an explanation before such a "crap". To make the most of it, from the hospital they were given two versions, in plan, choose the one you like best. On the same day of delivery two pediatricians who went to the room explained that they had been in the same crib and that by putting on the identification bracelets they were wrong.

Two days later, the parents, who already doubted until their daughter really was, asked for a DNA test. Two senior executives of the center apologized for what happened and said that nothing of the two in the same cradle, that the error had happened in the room where babies are taken out of the operating room.

Come on, that the error was identifying, but they did not agree to say where it happened, that it is not important either, but since the situation was very delicate, imagine the parents receiving different versions.

From the hospital they have apologized to the parents and have publicly declared that the bracelet is not the only identification method used, but that a blood sample and fingerprints are also used.

What if it had been another girl?

That the fingerprint and the blood is very good, but if they give me my baby I don't stop to look at their prints, nor do I ask for the results of the analysis to see if he is my son. I look at him, I see the bracelet, and I know it's mine. Of course, if I have changed my sex, well I doubt ... Then one stops to think what would have happened if the wrong baby had been a girl. Well, I tell you, nothing. Marta would still think that he resembles Héctor little, the grandmother would have changed her diaper so richly and the baby would have spent the night, days and years with that family, unless someone from the hospital said a good day that "I think that there has been a little confusion. "

And if you don't believe it, read this news a few days ago. In Japan there was an exchange of babies by mistake 60 years ago and the story has been released now. One of the families was rich and the other poor. They changed their children and the destiny of their lives changed completely, to the point that the baby who was going to live with his family without resources ended up owning a real estate company. The other has been compensated by the hospital with 273,000 euros for the damages caused, and is having such a bad time, knowing that his parents were not really, that he has preferred to remain anonymous.

It gives to think, huh? Well, hala, think about it for a while what can change the life of a family because a person gives the bracelet that is not a baby.

Via and Photo | The Country In Babies and more | They give a mother the wrong girl and spend nine hours with her at home until they claim her, After 26 years they realize they were exchanged at birth, Two families live for more than a year with changed babies