What is the progress bar and how does it work?

Since we manage computers one of the heaviest and cumbersome moments is stay in front of the screen watching the progress bar As it evolves to 100%, it indicates that the task has been completed. If I had to add the number of seconds, minutes and hours watching the progress of this bar throughout my life I think I could leave more than one day lost. And it is somewhat hypnotic to look at the progress bar that appears while we wait for files to be copied, folders are moved or applications are installed.

I hope some day our children invent some mechanism to lighten this time He hopes that it has also multiplied in Spanish homes and in those around the world with the extraordinary advance of electronic devices. And it is that as all require updates and downloads almost daily we do not stop seeing progress bars everywhere on all screens.

So this video proposal of how a progress bar works by the creative Vincent Broquaire works and that can be seen on Vimeo I liked a lot for what it brings originality and because it plays with a common functionality that we see every day to make it more attractive and fun:

You enjoy it much more with the video at full screen and with sound to observe the progress of the tractor driver with his plow. Notice that the synchronization with the progress bar is perfect.

Video: Why Are Progress Bars Wrong So Often? (July 2024).