Halloween recipes: cheese zucchini and sobrasada

Now that the Halloween party It is a good time to think about recipes for children that can prepare with us, how are you delicious cheese zucchini and sobrasada that besides being great to spread on bread, they are very fun to prepare.

To make them the help of the little ones of the house will be welcome and surely they will enjoy making the balls, or drawing the wrinkles and traditional folds of this vegetable with a stick as I will now teach you. Don't you think it's cute?

Ingredients for 6 pumpkins

  • A tub of sobrasada of 250 gr and another of cream cheese type philadelphia. Basil twigs to decorate

How to make cheese zucchini and sobrasada for Halloween

The first thing we will do is mix the cheese and the sobrasada in a bowl. I recommend you do it twice, that is, taking half the cheese and half the sobrasada. Children can help to mix both ingredients with a fork based on turning.

When the cream has a more or less homogeneous color, we make three parts and give them the shape of a ball with our hands as if they were made of plasticine. It is a bit sticky but it looks good right away. We leave them in the fridge for a while to harden a little.

We place the balls on the plate or source where we are going to serve them and with a toothpick we mark the segments of the pumpkins. It does not matter that they are not perfect, because pumpkins are usually irregular and full of lumps.

To finish off the effect, we put the peduncle or tail of the pumpkin. I have used the tips of basil plants but you can use a sprig of parsley, peppermint or aromatic plant that you have on hand to give the green touch.

Processing time | 15 minutes and another 15 in the fridge Difficulty | Very easy


These delicious cheese zucchini and sobrasada for Halloween They are great for snack and feed a lot. Spread on bread, you can prepare two sandwiches with each zucchini. You will see how successful.

Video: Recetas para Halloween: calabacitas de sobrasada y crema de queso (July 2024).