The ESA comic to learn about Saturn and Titan at school

The ESA (European Space Agency) It was created more than 30 years ago and since then it includes among its important tasks to disseminate, inspire and train the smallest and youngest in the knowledge of space, astronomy, science and technology.

In ESA there is a Education Office which analyzes the contents of the Agency and prepares them to make them available to young people from all the countries that comprise it. These materials, prepared for ages from 6 to 28 years, include information on the programs and developments carried out by ESA and are available to teachers and students who consider it. For example this comic about Saturn and Titan It is available for primary and secondary education in multiple languages: German, English, Spanish, French, Dutch and Swedish. You can also download in pdf and therefore it could be reviewed on a digital board to be read and consulted throughout the classroom.

The comic explains that on January 14, 2005, the Huygens probe entered the atmosphere of Titan, one of Saturn's moons, and a comic is created about that event, which I have pending reading, although I am convinced that it includes information informative, entertaining and with scientific knowledge.

It is not the only material available for kids to approach science, the entire ESA page referring to Education includes material of interest to share in the classroom.

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