Summer recipes for kids: the most rolled sole

Oh, the fish! How many dislikes it has given to fathers and mothers around the world to get children to eat it without protest. I still remember when my son was little how we managed to get it and one of our tricks was to use names like the one on the summer recipe for kids that we propose today, the most rolled soles.

We use that same trick with my son to eat the lettuce, calling it cucumber lettuce because he loved cucumbers and so we did with many other foods. In the case of today's recipe, rolled soles are presented in such a way, rolled up on themselves, and you can't imagine how that trick works well when placing them and naming them to be eaten delighted.

Ingredients for 2 people

  • 2 ration soles, (or a large one), butter, salt and potatoes for the garnish

How to make rolled soles

The world's most rolled sole they are made in a first phase grilled in a pan and then they are prepared, as we will now see, removing the loins and rolling them up. The recipe can also be made with other similar fish, tongues, roosters, acedías, etc, if you prefer or find them at a good price.

When buying them, we will ask the fishmonger to give them remove the layer of skin from both sides. If you prefer, the same fishmonger can take out the loins and give them clean, but I prefer to make the fish at once and then take out the loins and roll them myself, because I find it easier to handle.

As you see in the images, the thing is very simple. We put some butter in the pan- You could also use olive oil but the sole is much richer if it is made in butter - and once it melts, we use it to fry the fish on both sides.

For a small sole, it will be enough two minutes per face but if it is a little bigger maybe you need 3 or 4 minutes. We will know that it is ready when it has the roasted surface and when we see that by giving a longitudinal cut in the center the meat is easily separated. If we see that it is not, we leave another minute and go.

Once golden, remove the fish from the pan and separate the loins. To do this we remove the spines from the sides of the sole, - they come out alone -, and then, we slide a knife from head to tail through the center and then we push the loins out.

When we have the four loins, the we roll over themselves being careful not to split and we hold each with a stick to keep them rolled. As a reward for diners, today we put some chips chips of garnish, plus a plate of tomato and lettuce salad "cucumber".

Processing time | 10 minutes Difficulty | Very easy


This summer recipe for kids It can help you introduce them to fish consumption. With the most rolled soles, eating a good portion will seem fun. I hope this trick works just as well for us at home.

Video: Gordon Ramsay's Top 5 Fish Recipes (July 2024).