The Disney project called HideOut explores how to use mobile digital content projectors

From Microsiervos we are aware of Hideout, a Proyect of Disney Research which, as you can see in the video below, looks more like a prototype than a closed and definitive project. In any case, it is extremely attractive because it allows you to use an animated projection with digital content to enrich a physical content such as a book, a game board.

The device fulfills a double mission because it is an image receiver and projector of them. As a receiver, it identifies what content exists on the surface to which it is being targeted and functions as augmented reality. Although the qualitative leap is given because it then projects an image on the surface allowing rich and interactive content to be generated.

I imagine that Disney will be thinking, reviewing and testing to see how you can use the device to enrich your offer of games, books, movies and children's content for which HideOut can be a good complement.

As you can see in the video it seems that they are working interactively with a book or with games although they will surely be happy to receive proposals and ideas to expand the offer. Among the latest projects and entertainment for children that we have commented here, I really liked the one from Invizimals, which however allows little interactivity with the game and only allows children to act as spectators.

Video: SPY GADGETS in UNDERGROUND PLAGUE HACKER HIDEOUT solving riddles & evidence of BLACKOUT doomsday (May 2024).