Recognize the symptoms of preeclampsia during pregnancy (video)

Preeclampsia is a medical complication of pregnancy (also called "pregnancy toxemia") and is associated with hypertension during pregnancy. This video shows us how to recognize preeclampsia symptoms during pregnancy.

Recall that it is important to recognize and detect this disease in time, since hypertension caused by preeclampsia can negatively affect the fetus by causing narrowing of the placental arteries, which can cause a serious reduction of blood flow to certain areas of the placenta .

If the blood supply remains restricted, certain areas of the placenta may stop working and put the baby in danger. The mother also run risks to her health.

Some of the symptoms that can put us on alert are high blood pressure, edema of the face and hands, impaired liver and visual function, presence of proteins in the urine, excessive and rapid weight gain, intense and persistent headache ...

The treatment for preeclampsia It may include rest or hospitalization for better control, although there are many degrees and in general they are usually mild. It is the specialist who has to decide the type of treatment to follow. The signs and symptoms of preeclampsia usually disappear completely a few weeks after delivery.

Although much remains to be known about this disorder that affects 15% of pregnant women, what is known for sure is that it is important bring adequate control during pregnancy to detect preeclampsia as soon as possible.

Video | Youtube More information | On Babies and more | Blood test to detect preeclampsia, Abnormal proteins are involved in preeclampsia, could the origin of preeclampsia be in the male genes?

Video: Hypertensive Disorders of Pregnancy (July 2024).