Planting flowers for mom

There are still a few weeks left for Mother's Day, which is celebrated on different days of May in many countries of the world, and therefore we are in time to plant flowers for mom. We want to change the traditional roses or bouquet of flowers for a plant that the children themselves have seen grow at home.

The gift may not be so surprising, since we will need to have the pots somewhere in the house, but it is certainly a precious experience for the children and for the dad to share those moments when the seeds are chosen, the pot is bought , it is planted, it waters ...

In order for the gift to be ready for Mother's Day, we must choose fast-growing seeds that are going well at this time of year. In the seed bags we find in the stores, both the appropriate months for planting and the speed of growth are indicated.

We must also choose the appropriate substrate if we do not have at home, and do not forget to have the shower ready to take care of the pot. In addition, of course, we must be attentive to place the pot where it is best for the growth of the plant or the flowers we have chosen (indoor or outdoor, sun or indirect light ...) and the frequency of watering.

Being attentive to all this, we can have a pot with flowers or aromatic plants ready for Mother's Day, for example. If we want to give a special touch to the flowers we have planted for mom, children can decorate a pot or make a special wrapping, with a bow, for the pot.

It is an experience for the little ones to discover the secret of plants through this simple gesture of planting in a pot, a way to show them how beautiful and important nature is that surrounds us. It may be the first step to increase our "garden" at home!

Children love to be partakers of this special gift for mom, a plant that they have chosen and have seen grow. You just have to keep taking care of it after the first day, I hope you have more luck than me!, That the plants do not give me too well ...

Video: Beautiful Mom Vlogs: Planting flowers in new pots (July 2024).