Dads and moms blogs (CLXXIII)

This Tuesday, as we do every week, we will go into cyberspace to see what stories we can find in the moms and dads blogs of the network. Here we share new perspectives, reflections, experiences, experiences and advice left to us by other parents.

Tesorín, Tesorete It is the blog of a mother for more than seven years, a lactation consultant, and these days she has told us about the agitation of breastfeeding. It is a kind of rejection towards the baby's mother, a sensation difficult to explain but that we understand perfectly reading her experience.

Vivian Watson of A mom grows up He tells us about Maternity and sacrifice in an emotional post that asks how the radical changes of life are when children arrive, and how we take them.

In the blog Growing up with Carlota We found a story about the trauma of his mother, Carlota's grandmother. What if your mother wanted in your childhood that you had straight hair and now your granddaughter has curly hair? Do not miss it.

Marián in Suddenly Mommy ... He tells us about changing the end of the stories and how to adapt them to the little ones, making new "versions". Because we already know that classic stories are not always to the liking of children ... nor of the elderly.

We continue with him Diary of a malagueña in Seville, which began as Diario de la malagueña pregnant and now counts the adventures of her daughter Vega. Last week he congratulated Father's Day, because father there is only one. It is too early to know if your daughter is more of a mother or a father ...

I'm Nico's mom It shows us an activity to do with children, which is actually a simple scientific experiment that shows that air takes up space and is always present, although we cannot see it: making a water fountain with a bottle.

We finish with the space Between moms from My World Philips that tells us how to prepare a bottle and not die trying.

We hope you enjoyed some of our review moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. Do not forget that if you have a blog in which you share stories about your children or about issues related to motherhood and babies, you can tell us in the comments or on our contact form your address for us to read and comment on.

Video: Chef Mom vs. Chef Dad Challenge. Kids Try. HiHo Kids (July 2024).