Parents accidentally forget their newborn in the taxi that took them home from the hospital

The story we share below may seem implausible, but it has happened in Hamburg, Germany, and it is likely that the main parents are still recovering from fright.

It was the Hamburg police themselves who made the news public through their social networks, in a publication that has quickly been viralized by the unusual occurrence: a couple forgets their newborn in the taxi that took them home from the hospital.

The publication was shared by the Hamburg Police on May 20, and although the tone used to narrate the events is pleasant, relaxed and even joking, it is important to be aware of the serious consequences that this "absenteeism" could have had. The post says like this:

"A few days ago, a young couple completed their happiness by welcoming their second child, who was born in a hospital in Hamburg. After a few days there they were discharged, and the family set out for home in a taxi, which they took in front of the hospital center. "

"When they reached their destination, they paid the driver, said goodbye to him and got out of the vehicle. The taxi drove away and at that moment the parents' heart probably stopped, because they realized that they had forgotten their newborn inside the car".

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"Although the father ran after the vehicle nothing could be done, so the family quickly told us. The taxi driver did not notice of the passenger who was still in the back, because fortunately for the new parents, the baby sleeps deeply ".

"The taxi took a well-deserved lunch break, and he parked the taxi in an underground parking lot. After a while, he returned to his vehicle and set off for the airport, where he picked up a new customer ".

"But when he got into the car, the new passenger was surprised by the presence of a baby and he told the driver about it. At that moment the newborn woke up and began to cry. The taxi driver, scared, called us on the phone and quickly an ambulance moved there to recognize the baby. Parents and son met again in a happy ending ".

A lucky baby

Even if we firmly affirm that this would never happen to us, the forgetfulness of babies in cars unfortunately, they are not an isolated event and up to 46% of parents say the same thing happened at some time.

In this specific case we do not know what could happen (perhaps the change in his routine, the nerves to introduce the new baby to the family, the desire to get home ...), but it is not difficult to imagine the anguish so great that they had to live These parents realize their terrible oblivion.

Luckily there was nothing to regret, although the truth is that this baby was very lucky. The Hamburg Police have not specified the exact time that was forgotten in the back seat of the vehicle, but at the time when the car was parked and without a driver the worst could have happened.

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Fortunately, the parking lot was underground, and judging by the facts it does not seem that the driver was absent too much time for lunch. In addition, the circumstance that the baby stayed asleep all the time, because I don't know about you, but just thinking that the newborn would have woken up in absolute solitude inside a car, shakes me.

We are very happy about this happy ending, and we take this opportunity to insist on the importance of be aware that this type of event occurs and that you have to avoid them at all costs. Neither in winter nor in summer should we leave our children locked in the car. Not even to do a quick message.

Via Cafemon

Video: Watch Police Officer Comfort Baby After His Mom Left Him at Crash Scene (July 2024).