Do you give your children everything they ask for for Christmas? the question of the week

Every week we ask you a question that parents can answer and vote in our section Babies and more Answers. This way we share experiences and know your views and customs better. Each week we launch a new question and value the answers of the question from the previous week.

Given the proximity of Christmas and taking into account that at this point you will be the letters to Santa Claus and the Magi written and sent, we want to ask you:

Do you give your children everything they ask for for Christmas?

Last week's question

Last Wednesday we asked you another question also related to Christmas. We asked you, what toy would you not give to your children? and the answer that has obtained more votes is that of witchcraft, who told us:

I will never give my children or any other child any toy that does not carry the seal of quality and supervision of child safety, and just in case I check the daily list published by the Consumers Association (I flush with some toys that are still the sale, with seal of quality and that has already been prohibited to import or export because they are dangerous). I do not like peeeeroooo war toys, I have a serious dilemma in imposing my criteria and removing an illusion, I think that the war toy is not bad in itself if not how it is used or what it symbolizes. My son really enjoys the game of costumes, and as soon as he wants to be a princess, as an astronaut, like Luke Skywalker, and of course, we make a laser sword which he uses with balls that I throw at him, and if he is a cowboy he uses his own hand as a gun to gather cows !!!! If you ask me for a gift to be a Don Quixote, then I will attack windmills ... "

We remind you that our question for this week is now available in the Baby Answers section and more and we invite you to vote and to respond in that link so that we can take into account your participation.

Video: Christmas songs for kids. +More Nursery Rhymes & Kids Songs - CoCoMelon (May 2024).