Musical instruments for babies: playing to be musicians

They say that music is a universal language and it is in babies where this statement makes special sense, since they are very likely to communicate with the sound of their musical instruments rather than with the voice.

Although his expression through music is not as artistic as that of an adult with knowledge in this field, it may be beneficial besides fun.

I don't know a single child who doesn't like music. From a very young age they leave us speechless with their sense of rhythm and do not delay in humming the lyrics or trying to reproduce the melody in their toy instruments.

Though there is a huge variety of musical toys on the market, not all of them are age appropriate and some are designed to emit sounds, regardless of aspects such as the development or learning of our little one.

A musical instrument appropriate to the stage of development in which our baby is, should bring fun but also has to contribute to their physical, cognitive, emotional and / or social development.

Learn more than music

Areas like fine motor, the coordination, the sensory skills, the communication, the creativity… is it so closely related to music and its interpretation through the instruments.

Children learn to communicate by emitting sounds and creating melodies, okay, I admit, sometimes insufferable, but they contribute to their continuous learning while observing the effect of their actions.

Some instruments require more motor level skill such as those with a keyboard (piano, accordion ...), others sense of rhythm and coordination like percussion, but most bring knowledge and fun to children.

My first piano

The piano it is probably one of the instruments most demanded by parents and that children like most, since we can find suitable versions for all ages. From the Pataditas Gym-Piano for the little ones to the Fisher-Price Learning Piano, which in addition to encouraging you to create your own melodies and encourage your creativity, incorporates other functions that make it a very complete toy instrument.

Suitable for children from 9 months, the Piano Learning Invite the child to get up to practice standing. Teach basic concepts such as numbers and letters and musical concepts such as tempo, tone and styles. It includes several songs and the possibility of composing new melodies.

Whatever option you choose for your baby, remember that the important thing is always to enjoy learning, although you may also discover that you have a musical genius at home.

In Happy Learning | Classical music or rock for our baby?

Video: Music Instruments Song for Children 27 Instruments (July 2024).