Idiots Ways to Die (dumb ways to die) is a song to prevent accidents performed by Metro Trains in Australia

Perhaps in Spain we have a lot of security to prevent accidents near the train tracks. Still it is essential to be very careful and comply with safety rules. And of course, be careful in cars with the level crossings without barriers that still remain in Spain and cause serious accidents as can be seen in the news.

This campaign carried out by Metro Trains in Australia My daughter sent it to me because they apparently saw her at school. The drawings are a very fun way to explain what happens in case the appropriate recommendations are not followed although notice that the ways of death that are seen in the video are very dramatic.

The video, subtitled in Spanish, explains the idiot ways to die in case of not following some basic recommendations and that it is necessary to fulfill. I think it is irresponsible, for example, to cross the train tracks where there are not many other things that can be seen in the video and that have to do with the maintenance of food, pets and appliances.

For children it is a good way to learn thanks to cartoons. The challenge is to ensure that when they grow up they continue to remember the rules and comply with them because no, it's not fun, to die for idiotic behavior.

Video: Top 10 Things That Keep Me Awake at Night (July 2024).