Highlights in Babies and more: November 19-25

Like every Monday, we review the most outstanding contents we have published in Babies and more during the last week.

In our Special Pregnancy Care we have recommended 10 essential things you should know about healthy eating, we have talked about what are the most appropriate exercises during pregnancy and also about something that worries future moms a lot: the weight in pregnancy how much recommends winning and how to control it.

We have given our opinion on a controversial campaign in which it is implied that schooling with a baby is like putting him to sleep next to a knife and Armando has shared a beautiful lesson that his son has given him by asking him on his way to school: " Dad, don't talk to anyone today. "

We have commented, thanks to a pediatrician who saw him with his own eyes, that in Nepal, babies do not cry because they are constantly in the arms of their mothers, they accompany them daily in their daily tasks as if they were part of themselves. And we also mentioned a study that suggests that the composition of breast milk could change depending on socioeconomic factors

We are opening our mouths for Christmas with some delicious cookies with fondant to make with the children. And speaking about Christmas, on eBayers we find some practical tips for the baby's gift.

So far, our review of the most outstanding contents of the previous week. Stay tuned because this week there will be much more.

Video: What I wore in a week 19 - 25 November (July 2024).