If it happened on the Internet ... would it be cyberbullying?

Lindsay and Patty are two students in an Institute, and both participate in a public school event in which the students take turns speaking in front of their classmates. When Lindsay's turn comes, she introduces her intervention saying that she is going to talk about Patty, and dedicates herself to publicly humiliating her with a manifest hardness.

Are you stalking her? Right? Yes, but would we think the same if the former had used her profile on a social network to insult her partner? I imagine that you will affirm with the head, but are we able to educate our children in the responsibility when they are related through Internet? I say it because When working with groups of ESO students in a workshop on Social Networks, I have noticed that some do not equate the act of attacking through the network, with a situation that occurs physically.

Remember that teenagers often have many 'friends' added (some until 2000) and that sometimes the contacts share the content with other users.

When it comes to observing bullying and cyberbullying behaviors, we cannot ignore that harassment is not always physical, because many times we resort to humiliations, insults or threats, and these behaviors must also be rejected. I think that above all adults we must be clear in order to transmit it to our children, nephews, grandchildren, students, etc.

The message to be transferred is that when the boys encounter an episode of cyberbullying, they must ignore the issuer, they should not forward it and it would also be desirable for them to express their disagreement or denounce the content (The latter should always be done with a lot of responsibility, because there is not always a criterion to discern inappropriate content).

And finally the attitude of the rest of the class has caught my attention as they attend without blinking (and looking astonished) at the episode. I know they are teenagers, and they need a lot to be integrated into the group, but we must also educate them to have and express their own opinion.

(By the way I do not like too much the subtitled version that is the one that I have given you, because there are many unreasonable comments)

Source | Safe inet channel on You Tube In Peques and More | An application to find cases of bullying on Twitter, Tips to protect our children from cyberbullying and grooming