Make today a special day for your child

Routine, they say, kills love. I cannot say that, and of course, it is not a phrase applicable to the love of our children. But, nevertheless, nothing is more beautiful than make today a special day for our children.

Sometimes we may lack ideas to make the day a special day, worthy of being remembered, full of love and shared joy. But with small simple gestures or creative ideas we can surely surprise our children.

Love you very much

A note in the wallet or in the sandwich wrapper, a painted heart if they can't read, a poster on a large cardboard in the bathroom so they can find it as soon as they get up with a message of love It is a way to start the day in a very special way for anyone.

I like this from you

Another way to surprise our son and tell you how special and wonderful it is for us is to leave that same note (written if you can read) specifically explaining the reasons why we love him so much and the things we like most about him.

Yes the little one He does not know how to read sure you are excited to find a drawing in which he appears with his mom or dad and many beautiful things or that he loves: his pet, a walk in the park, animals, a forest ... they are very grateful and they do not judge, so you do not have to fear if We are not the best cartoonists in the world.

Another possibility is leave a video recorded in which you explain all that and put it, without warning what it is, suddenly. When I see you talking on the screen, telling you how wonderful it is or how happy it made us come into our lives, I assure you that you will get excited and remember that moment.

An unexpected holiday

If your child goes to daycare or nursery school you can surprise him with an unexpected holiday. What life has been called steers, skipping class for no reason. Maybe some of you are shocked at the idea, and you are in favor of not skipping the "obligation" to go to class, for you this idea will not be good and I respect it.

But, with young children really the obligation is not such and, if you can, take yourselves a holiday for no other reason than being together and enjoy sure that it makes the day something very special. Of course you have to be prepared so that the child does not get bored and plan activities, it does not have to be exaggerated, just paint together, or cook, or take a long walk in the countryside.

A no birthday party

Everything is possible at a non-birthday party. Decorate the house, invite friends to snack, prepare a special meal or a cake by blowing all the candles together, make small simple gifts, invent a new letter for typical congratulatory songs.

Spring Christmas

Is it crazy to put the nativity scene or the Christmas tree if it is not the right time? Then go ahead, do a little crazy and prepare the house as if Christmas had come suddenly. A succulent dinner, the lights on flickering, tinsel and carols. I assure you that those spring Christmas will never be forgotten.

Costumes and more costumes

Dressing up is usually an activity that children love. If that day we want to make special we have the precaution of having them all and for everyone prepared you will have a great time.

Yes, adults you also have to dress up. Another possibility is to search in the closets until you find outlandish clothes and full of color with which you will dress all, changing the owner's clothes and even painting faces and hands with children's makeup.

A day of art

You can take them to see a museum or you can discover the art at home. Choose good classical music, cheerful. Look on the internet or in books pictures or sculptures and simply explain the stories they show. And, of course, do Art too.

Having prepared cards, magazines to cut, paintings of all kinds, clay, modeling clay, homemade modeling paste, melting chocolate and molds you can make artistic creations with many things and if you set your mind, surely you are also able to get the artist that you have inside.

The condition is not to force, not to criticize the works of the child and you also to imply creating your own works. The art day It is a family activity.

Photo safari

Another idea to convert a normal day in something very special is to prepare the camera, teach the child to use it or, if it is very small, help you choose what you want us to photograph, and go outside prepared for the photographic safari of our city.

It is not necessary to go to the zoo or the countryside, just walk through your town or your neighborhood observing things with new eyes, discovering beautiful or interesting details that go unnoticed on a normal day.

Then, when you download the photos, you will see how there are many beautiful things in the world around you: trees in which fruits are growing, the singing fountain, the spring flowers, the sunlight on the rooftops, the children playing ... surely this day will be for the memory. I have encouraged myself and I already have everything ready for a safari on Monday. I even think we will get the salacot.

I hope that these ideas, which are only some of the possible ones, can help you give your children a special and unforgettable day.

In Babies and more | Ten things that your child needs to do, do we let children be children ?, 10 things that I allow my child to do, Children have to get dirty, Cities are hostile to children

Video: A Special Prayer for Your Children. Joyce Meyer (July 2024).