Concern about the rebound in measles and pertussis cases in Spain

Cases of diseases that seemed controlled for years are frequent news in recent times. Measles outbreaks have risen, and the same goes for whooping cough. The group of Spanish pediatricians is concerned about the rebound in cases of measles and whooping cough in Spain.

This is stated by the coordinator of the Vaccine Advisory Committee of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP), referring to the increase in these diseases that has been recorded in recent months, both in adult and child population, since they are infections with a significant morbidity and mortality .

Not surprisingly, this type of infections in Spain, after accidents, the second cause of child morbidity and mortality. This information has been made public during the III Conference of Vaccines that have taken place these days in Oviedo.

We have already talked about measles on the blog many times, but about whooping cough, a dangerous disease, we don't talk so much. Some time ago we noticed an epidemic of whooping cough in California.

Well, now in Spain experts have revealed the increased cases of pertussis in children older than 10 years, in infants under two and three months, as well as among the adult population.

Given this situation, in the opinion of pediatricians, the solution should be focused on increasing the coverage of both immunizations. In fact, one of the main recommendations of the vaccine committee is the advancement of the triple viral vaccine at 12 months of age and the second dose at 2 years to curb the risk of new infections.

Vaccine coverage throughout the national territory is especially necessary in children who have low defenses or suffer from chronic diseases, since, due to their own pathology or the medications they have to take, they are at greater risk of infectious diseases.

In addition, in other cases, they cannot receive some vaccines such as triple viral and chickenpox, since they do not have enough defenses, so it is vital that their environment is perfectly vaccinated.

Pneumococcus also worries

On the other hand, another of the centers of concern for professionals is pneumococcal infection, as it is a cause of severe meningitis, and pneumonia, which can be complicated and require hospitalization.

Thus, the AEP claims the application of the vaccine to all children under five years of age in Spain, and although for the moment only the Community of Madrid and Galicia include it in their protocols, with the implementation of the single calendar it can be generalized.

Recall that The Vaccine Advisory Committee (CAV) of the Spanish Association of Pediatrics is the responsible body and official spokesperson for the Spanish Association of Pediatrics in everything related to vaccines. Therefore, it is a reliable, evidence-based and very important source of information, such as the one that demonstrates its Concern about the rebound in measles and pertussis cases in Spain.

Video: Heartbreaks, Rebounds & Moving On (July 2024).