Food ideas to put in the backpack when the kids go on an excursion

With the arrival of the good weather they begin in the schools the excursions of the kids and with it comes the dreaded one that we ask ourselves at home: and what do I put in my backpack? It is clear that the most useful is the sandwich, but they can take other healthier and more complete foods so that the wear of the excursion is more bearable.

The menu ideas that we propose are easy, simple, nutritious and do not require much preparation time.

The first thing is to put the drink, the most healthy and satiating, you know what the bottle of Water if you do not have on hand, you can also put them juice or even milk in small bricks. Let's try avoid soda and sugary drinks.

The night before, we can prepare a omelette or a breaded filet, so that they take it chopped and to accompany, in another small taper ones Cherry tomatoes with oil and salt or some carrot sticks washed and peeled, these options are a good meal for kids.

From dessert: fruit, we can put a banana, an apple or a pear already washed but not peeled so they do not oxidize. What better way to put a good climax to a healthy meal.

Yes We do not have time to prepare an omelet or a steak, you can use the snack, but try not to be fatty meats. A good option are snacks Serrano ham with tomatothat of tuna with peppers, tomato with boiled egg or of french omelette and always with loaf of bread which is healthier than bread and is less soft. A trick so that the sandwich stays better is to wrap it with foil avoid plastics because they leave the bread as if it were gum.

Finally, so that chop something healthy along the way, nothing better than nuts like nuts or almonds, we all know that they like worms or chips a lot, although the choice of nuts is better.

We hope you find these ideas useful, although you already know that for the kids the best thing is the fun of the excursion itself and also being with their peers.