Highlights in Babies and more: from February 27 to March 4

Today as every Monday we return with the summary of Babies highlights and more, those topics that have interested you most during the last seven days.

We release the month and continue with our Special Winter, in which these days we have told you how to improve the defenses of the child and we have told you about children who breathe through the mouth and cold. These days we will continue with this Special and more interesting content related to winter.

We have also told you about the guardian angel of our children, that babies are stressed when we ignore them just two minutes and stereotypes of sexual identity.

For future moms We have talked about breastfeeding clothes Mamaguapa, we have reflected on whether pregnant women have temporary reduced mobility and thinking about health we have recommended head exercises for pregnant women.

We have also wondered if children should decide how much warm clothes to wear and how men reconcile. We have known curiosities such as the megafactories of LEGO and a pacifier that closes only when falling.

Others topics commented by our readers they were the Estivill method to placate the masses, the debate about whether they should share a disabled and pregnant parking space or the unusual fact of forgetting a baby in the hotel.

The unique vaccination schedule in Spain, the last part of the interview with the psychologist Gabriella Bianco or how to create a reading corner in the children's room were other topics that interested our readers and that we recommend you to take up again.

Finally, we remind you that you can answer the question of the week in our answers section:

How do you reconcile family life and work?

We hope that this compilation of posts from the last days has been interesting for you. We will continue working to bring the most attractive, fun and useful content to the blog, and next week we will summarize them in a new selection of Highlights of Babies and More So you don't miss anything.