The Eula Project, to bring cinema to children

A few weeks ago we talked about Eula, a website to learn and have fun through the cinema. We wanted to delve a little deeper into this initiative, the Eula Project, a pedagogical initiative in which it is intended to work, through films, different educational objectives.

Eula is a pedagogical innovation initiative of the Proyecta Foundation in collaboration with the SM Group that aims to support the teaching and learning processes with cinematographic and audiovisual activities and content that they make available to parents and educators for free on their website.

Also for children, because as we saw there are sections of specific games for them. In this way, Eula powers various skills in a playful way and through motivation, and promotes knowledge of other languages ​​and other cultures.

It is undoubtedly a tool to reach a more comprehensive and adapted to the audiovisual world in which children are immersed and also offers children and young people an opportunity to see, understand the cinema and even, when they grow up, to make movies , as part of its overall preparation for adult life.

As an absolute convinced of the potential of good cinema for the formation and enrichment of people, it seems to me a remarkable idea and that I will undoubtedly put into practice with my daughters and I like to carry out with my students.

The films chosen to work in Eula stand out for their quality and varied themes, within children's cinema, and in each activity we find the recommended ages. The main objectives of the Eula Project They are as follows:

  • Access to culture, with a wide variety of movies.
  • Critical understanding, encouraging learning, debate and conversation about the movies and the emotions that they give rise to.
  • Creativity, because it allows children and young people to use movies as an instrument of their own creativity.
  • Awareness to promote the proper use of cinema, the differential value of the big screen compared to other media and reflection on issues such as intellectual property and the threat of piracy.
  • Attention to special groups, such as immigrants or disabled people, so they can access the cinema.
  • Protect the cultural heritage that cinema represents.

The project takes into account three main types of content: visual education, in values ​​and in specific content. I would highlight the second, with contents that exemplify the correct social, cultural, respect and solidarity values, of equality ...

In short, I encourage you to meet again the Eula Project to bring cinema to children and enjoy it as a family, learning and having fun thanks to a means of communication that can be magical.

Video: Irresistible - Full Movie (July 2024).