Now that the flu and colds arrive avoid the "Oscillococcinum"

The cold seems to be here to stay (this year is late) and with it come the flu and colds, typical diseases of these dates that parents try to prevent in the best way we can and whose symptoms we try to alleviate so that our Children cough less, sleep and rest better, be more active and happy and can continue to live their lives.
Tips for this there are many: adequate and balanced food, do not set the heat too high, do not take the overly warm child (with the heat the viruses proliferate that it gives pleasure) but do not take it excessively fresh, eat fruit, take few dislikes , or rather, that they laugh a lot and are very happy (it seems a lie, but the most active and happy people tend to get less sick because their immune systems are in a better state) and don't take Oscillococcinum.
If we talk about treating children once they are already ill, well know that the fumes are going well, the physiological serum to get the mucus out too, abundant hydration works wonders, that fever helps children win the battle against viruses (with more heat the viruses are defeated), that honey is great for coughs and that Oscillococcinum, just as you have to avoid it to prevent it, you have to avoid it to cure it, because it doesn't work for one thing or the other.

Why is it called Oscillococcinum

Look how difficult the name they have put to such deception, perhaps to make it more credible or scientific (if we can not say something seems too high for our understanding and seems better), but the reason is clear: it is called oscillococcinum because it suppose you are taking an infinitesimal candor of osciloco.

What is oscillococcus

The first and most important question is what is the osciloco, more than anything to know what you are taking (since you take it, it is interesting to inform you). The oscillococcus is a microbe consisting of two uneven grains (coconuts), which moves quickly, as if it were vibrating (oscillates). He was first seen by Joseph Roy (1891-1878) in 1917, when as a military doctor he attended flu patients, in whom he saw said microbe, concluding that he was the cause of the disease.
The problem of the oscillococcus is that after Joseph Roy, who, as I say, was the first to see him, nobody else has talked about him because nobody else has been able to see him, come on, you don't know what Mr. Roy really saw, but an unknown microbe sure wasn't.
The most curious thing (and see that he only saw it is already curious) is that Roy also finds it in the blood and in cancerous tumors, in patients with syphilis, in the lungs of tuberculosis, in patients with eczema , herpes, chronic rheumatism and even those suffering from infectious processes such as mumps, chicken pox and rubella. That is, in theory Oscillococcinum should be a medicine to treat and cure all these diseases and even to prevent them

If it doesn't exist, where do they get it from?

The question asked is absurd but can not ... where do you get something that does not exist ?, but let's play that does exist to answer it.

Joseph Roy decided in his day to obtain the oscillococcus of the liver and the heart of the Barbarian ducks. Why it is not known, although it is believed that it is because the heart and liver are organs closely linked to the bloodstream.

The fact is that, to make the Oscillococcinum more incredible (not for fascinating, but not credible), if you look at the composition it does not say “200k oscillococcus”, that it would be a dissolved oscillococcal preparation, but instead it says “Anas Barbariae 200k 0 , 01 ml ”, which is nothing more than diluted Barbarian duck, because it is assumed that the liver or duck's heart will carry oscillococci.

Well, I think the duck has the oscillococcus that doesn't exist

If you are still reading it is perhaps because you still need more arguments to realize that Oscillococcinum is nothing with sugar, specifically 0.85 grams of sucrose and 0.15 grams of lactose per gram. If you went to school as a child, you will know that 0.85 + 0.15 sum 1, so there are 0 grams of the rest, which would be the duck with the non-existent oscillococcus.

That is, it is not enough to know that the oscillococcus does not exist, it is not enough to know that if it existed it could or could not be in the liver or the heart of a duck, it is not enough to know that instead of oscillococci you are taking diluted duck, that you look at the composition and you realize that you're not even taking duck, but only sugar in the form of sucrose and lactose.

And what is that of 200 K?

Says the box containing "Anas barbariae 200 K". Seen this way it seems that you are taking something, such as Ibuprofen, which is surnamed 600, Paracetamol, which is surnamed 650 or Amoxicillin, which is surnamed 500.

Well, you look at the composition and it turns out that you are taking "Anas barbariae 200 K", and you think that is something, however the "K" means that it is a solution made by the Korsakovian method, which now I will explain you.

To make a solution using the Korsakovian method, fill a tube or container of the mother tincture, suppose Anas Barbariae. It is emptied, leaving part of said tincture adhered to the walls (as happens when you empty a glass of water, milk, coke, or a glass that contains dust ... there is always something left on the walls and bottom). This container is filled with liquid to act as a solvent, say water, for example, and at that time we are facing the "medicine" Anas Barbariae 1 K.

One might think that looking, if you take that, it cures you, because it is a bit of dust or liquid dissolved in water, like when you take a medicine from an envelope in water, but homeopaths believe that it is not good enough, so that instead of pouring a little more of Anas Barbariae into the mix, so that there is more quantity, they throw the contents of the container again and fill it with water again, getting Anas Barbariae 2 K.

If it is done a third time (empty and fill the same glass again), we have Anas Barbariae 3 K, from which it follows that to reach Anas Barbariae 200 K, which is what Oscillococcinum is supposed to contain, you have to do that maneuver 200 times.

You could say it's more or less what you do at home when you want to clean a glass quickly ... rinse it, it's called. Only at home you do it four or five times and you are clear that there was nothing left of the liquid that was at the beginning, but in homeopathy it is done 200 times and apparently that cures and prevents the flu.

Anyway, I advise again the same as I say in the title: Now that the cold comes, avoid the Oscillococcinum.

By the way, if you want to read a little science about it, the Cochrane, a non-profit organization, conducted a review of studies on the Oscillococcinum that you can read here in which they concluded that "The data is not significant enough to recommend the use of oscillococcinum as a treatment or prevention of influenza and diseases with similar symptoms". Logical, after seeing what the "remedy" really carries.

Video: Abrupt changes in temperature trigger uptick in flu and cold cases (July 2024).