With 6 months, learning to solve problems

At 6 months, your baby begins the difficult task of understanding the world around him. Little by little he realizes that there is always something new to discover and they begin to present new challenges, new mysteries, new adventures.

It moves the handyman more and more accurately, it is capable of pick up objects and manipulate them with a little awkwardness at the beginning and with total dexterity after a few months, and the objects he finds when exploring his surroundings become excellent test benches for his manual skills.

Little by little, your son starts in the language path and any sound that you find pleasant will help you in your development. He will soon say his first words and be able to identify simple messages such as "take" and "give me."

The development of your baby is a process that evolves over time and in any case, it is always good that you practice all those new capabilities that you are acquiring with funny toys To help you grow.

Toys like the "Snail blocks and music" from Fisher-Price will help your baby in many facets: They will stimulate their interest in experimentation, as well as their creativity and intellectual abilities, by proposing situations with which your child will learn the magic of the cause-effect relationship.

It will also help you gain in increasing manual coordination, visual acuity and problem-solving ability, with the blocks of different shapes and colors that you will soon learn to stack and fit in different ways.

Also, like the "Snail blocks and music" by Fisher-Price play a cheerful melody when it sways, it will stimulate the development of your baby's auditory, musical and communicative abilities.

You can see the “Snail blocks and music” in motion in the Fisher-Price video gallery, in the section "We are going to explore!"

Video: 9 Months of Kung Fu Training in China Life Changing (July 2024).