Five countries, six births, seven babies

There are many documentaries that are made with the birth and births as protagonists, but those who usually call (me) more attention are those that show the process in different parts of the world, because that way we can see and know realities that we don't know here. This is the case of a documentary called "Five countries, six births, seven babies", which shows six births at home in Guatemala, Costa Rica, France, USA and Bermuda, whose goal is to remember how simple and natural a birth can be. The documentary was filmed between 1994 and 2010 (they share the spotlight babies who are now one year old with others who are now almost of legal age) and it is based on five chapters that have a duration of 7 to 15 minutes, the process of six deliveries with seven babies as a result. The project is born from the hand of Diana Paul, a midwife who has been attending and filming for years, partly to show them to women who still have to give birth. As he says, the fact of showing images of mothers giving birth to their babies, showing their strength and their power as women who bring life to the world, makes pregnant women look more qualified to do so too, have more knowledge about it and reduce fear regarding the birth process. Thus, once fear and lack of knowledge have been reduced, childbirth can be a pleasant time. In addition, Paul considers that childbirth is a moment in our life that can mark in a certain way the future of it, both for the baby and for the mother. It is the first story of a baby's life, the first thing that happens to him and a very important moment for the mother, who if she feels loved, supported and capable can see how her life changes and with her that of her partner and that of your children. For this reason he decided to carry out this project for which he asked for financial help. This financing of selfless people (or interested, namely), was completed a few days ago, so surely we will soon be able to enjoy this documentary in which we can see five stories, with a total duration of about an hour, with the birth at home as the protagonist. The truth is that I think it's a beautiful project that is sure to become a very interesting documentary. I have the feeling that he is a little late (at least for me), because right now home birth is no longer something so strange (although 17 years ago, when the first story was recorded, probably yes) and because now it exists Youtube, where you can see many home deliveries with just 4 mouse clicks. In any case, if the documentary is for some women to gain strength by the time of delivery, understand a little better how it is time to give birth and lose their fear, welcome, no doubt. If it also serves to make mothers and fathers more aware that deep down Babies are nothing more than small mammals that need our presence and our care almost unconditionally, welcome be double.

Video: 5 Countries, 6 Births, 7 Babies :: http: . u200boKKxmK (May 2024).