Elections 20N: PSOE electoral proposals for families

As you know, in a few days there will be general elections, and it is important that as parents we know what the plans of each party are in relation to issues that matter to us such as education, work-life balance and equality, among others.

We have already reviewed the proposals of the Popular Party aimed at families, so we continue with the Electoral proposals of the Spanish Socialist Workers Party (PSOE) for families.

Without any intention of favoring anyone, it must be said that the PSOE program is more extensive and more concrete than that of the PP, but it must also be said, things as they are, that speak a lot about what they have done, how well It has not gone.

That said, let's see the PSOE electoral proposals for families facing the next 20N elections:

Family benefits

Within the framework of the strategy to help families, we will increase the public offer of benefits and services to reduce inequalities between households.

We will legally equate single-parent families with two children or one with a disability with large families.


We will expand the schedule offer of public nursery schools to enable their compatibility with the work days of parents. In addition, in order to meet the needs in the first cycle of early childhood education, those entrepreneurial initiatives that provide flexibility and parental choice in the formulas for the care and care of children will be facilitated.

We will universalize access to education for 0-3 years.

English learning will be promoted in the early educational stages, through conversation classes, through the support of foreign students from European Union countries that are in Spain thanks to an Erasmus grant.

We will expand the state system of quality indicators to evaluate the performance of children's education centers, especially the first cycle and their adaptation to the educational character of the whole stage, the ownership of the centers, the qualification of the professionals who attend them and The attention to diversity.

We will encourage all nursery schools to offer rich and stimulating educational experiences in appropriate spaces, with material means and with a sufficient number of well-trained professionals.


We will promote programs for the promotion of positive parentality, in collaboration with other public administrations and the associative movement, to improve the exercise of parental responsibilities and the protection and promotion of the rights of children and adolescents, family life and cohesion Social.

Work and family conciliation

We will promote a cultural change for the rationalization of working hours, through a great National Pact for a Better Use of Time. This pact would include measures to raise public awareness, incentive policies for companies in conciliation measures and the rationality of working hours and in promoting new organizational models more in line with the needs of families. Specifically, it will contemplate the application of measures such as the easing of the schedules of entry and exit of work, the extension of the voluntary application of the part-time, the generalization of the continuous day, the use of ICT, especially in the form of teleworking or teleconferences.

We will continue to promote children's areas in work centers, morning classrooms and proximity services.

We will establish permission days for the care of children and other relatives in a situation of dependency for reasons of urgency. For this, we will promote a modification of the Workers' Statute that includes the recognition of four days of leave for one of the parents destined for the urgent and transitory care of children under twelve years of age and other relatives in a dependent situation in charge of the worker.

Maternity and work

The increase in the birth rate in Spain is essential to maintain the welfare state of the future. Motherhood remains a major obstacle to the career of too many women. The negative repercussions that in many cases it has for working life cannot be supported by lonely families, especially women. Therefore, we will promote measures that allow workers, mainly women workers, not to have to choose between personal, work and family life, prioritizing one and delaying another. Our commitment to co-responsibility, support for families and the extension of the network of nursery schools (0-3) are essential for the definitive incorporation of women into the workplace.

We will establish leave days for the care of children and other relatives in a situation of dependency for reasons of urgency. To do this, we will promote a modification of the Workers' Statute that includes the recognition of four days of leave for one of the parents destined for the urgent and transitory care of children under twelve years of age and other relatives in a dependent situation in charge of the worker.


We will approve a Law on Children, which includes specific measures aimed at this group, and we will elaborate, in line with the proposals of the United Nations, a Plan to combat poverty and child social exclusion, which establishes a coordinated, complementary and effective action of the Public Administrations.

In the beginning we said that we were going to present the proposals of the two main parties, but at the request of our readers we will also deal in the next few days with the electoral proposals of United Left (IU) and of Union Progreso y Democracia (UPyD), always focused on family issues that is what interests us in the blog.

Video: Málaga 24h TV - Hoy termina el plazo para solicitar el voto por correo para el 26J (July 2024).