The last traffic of your children: Sofia and the aquatic iPhone

We often talk on the blog of the crowded children do, some more "light" and others more fat. Yesterday my daughter Sofia, 18 months, gave me reason to tell you one of the fat ones. We could title his last statement as “Sofia and the water iPhone”.

He is in a stage where he loves to throw things. He learned to throw his diaper in the trash and occasionally throws things that he shouldn't into the bucket. He is also fascinated by throwing things inside the bathtub with water. Sometimes he throws toys, other times socks or shoes and the last victim of their water throws was my iPhone. An iPhone 4 with just two months of use, for more data.

While his older sister took a bath, he decided that it was also time for the phone to take a good dip.

When Sofia threw the phone I had the sensation of watching it submerge in the water in slow motion and the impossibility of not being able to do anything to avoid it.

I immediately remembered the crush of Armando's little son, Arán and the flying laptop, who in a rage access threw his new laptop on the ground. Apparently the two little ones are of the same "restless" nature, so to speak.

It gives a lot of helplessness when the children make us these stupid fat ones. We get angry, although not with them but with ourselves because ultimately there is no evil in their actions. Children do not know that they are charging a next-generation smartphone or a laptop that costs a lot of money. They throw it because they enjoy doing it, without more.

Regarding the iPhone, I took it out of the water, dried it thoroughly and now it's in a rice therapy. Yes, as you hear it, my husband works in the mobile world and ensures that putting them in a sealed bag and covering them with rice is a good treatment for accidental drowning. If there is luck, the rice absorbs moisture that may have entered the internal circuits.

I'll tell you if it works. I hope to recover it because an iPhone is not bought every day. And I had placed a screen protector so it wouldn't scratch….

I don't know if your children do things like that. The water mobile is a fairly frequent traffic. Whether this or any other, we invite you to share in Babies and more the crammed of your kids. Send us an e-mail to [email protected] explaining the event and attach a photograph (with a minimum width of 650 pixels) that shows the mischief.

Video: Subway Surfers World Tour - RiO (July 2024).