Diary of my third "pregnancy": iodine seems to be the culprit and the uncertain future

A few weeks ago I told you that we are waiting, my wife and I, for our third child. This past Sunday we turn weeks and we are in the fifteenth, about ten days after doing a new ultrasound that may give us some clue about the sex of the baby.

About pregnancy, as I mentioned in the previous post, it has turned out to be the worst first trimester of the three pregnancies. There are women, like my mother, who always say that each pregnancy was better than the previous ones. Well, in our case the procedure has been precisely the opposite: each pregnancy has turned out to be worse than the previous ones, and also with difference.

When adding children in each pregnancy (in the first there was no child at home, in the second one and now in the third there are two), it should be added that the nausea in this third pregnancy has been almost constant, with dizziness considerable and a feeling of instability at all hours that have made Miriam have spent several weeks practically without moving from the sofa. The fact is that now that the first quarter is ending it seems that we have found the cause of size "misfortune": iodine.

Iodine in pregnancy

For some time this part has been recommended, in addition to folic acid the first months, an iodine supplement for pregnant women. He iodine It is a micronutrient linked in the synthesis of thyroid hormones that also participates in the development of the baby's nervous system.

During pregnancy and breastfeeding it is recommended to take a supplement of between 250 and 300 micrograms and Miriam, who was already taking iodine for breastfeeding, but who had not done it for a couple of months because Aran lately suckled a little, started taking it again, together to folic acid, when he knew I was pregnant again, back in the 7th week of pregnancy.

Soon he began to feel bad (with how well he had been until that moment) and to notice all the symptoms mentioned: dizziness, instability, nausea, ...

The thing began to improve when, at the end of the first trimester, he stopped taking the folic acid supplement with iodine. We did not get to make this relationship because I had just met the first trimester and we thought that, indeed, by the time of gestation, it was better to be better.

However, as the supplement was a combination, but iodine is recommended to take it not only the first trimester, but also during the second and third, we bought an iodine supplement. It was start taking it and all the symptoms appear again.

"Armando, I think it's going to be iodine," he told me. I do not see much sense, because the amount of iodine is very low (very low if we compare it with the iodine that can be absorbed through the skin if you heal a wound with Povidone Iodized, for example), but as it is related to The synthesis of thyroid hormones and pregnancy is already known to cause impressive hormonal changes I thought: it could be.

Then we thought about the previous pregnancies, in which he did not take iodine and everything started to add up a little more. "Besides, when I told my sister to drink iodine too, she started to feel bad," he told me.

Anyway, it could be coincidence, but in our case, seeing that not taking it makes her feel good and that taking it leaves her almost prostrated on the couch, we have decided to postpone the iodine supplement to later months, when the (theoretical) side effect is not so devastating.

An uncertain future awaits us

One of the things that reassured me the most when I chose the profession of a nurse is that, well looked at, work was never going to be missing because sick, until a definitive cure for everything is invented, there will always be.

Well, what I didn't know is that the equation "sick = professionals attending to them" would fail one day, and it seems that day has arrived. A few days ago an ERE was approved at the other hospital in my city, that is, it doesn't affect me. But this means that sooner or later the same will happen in ours. In my case, where family income depends on me, a situation like this floating in the environment makes worries appear, especially when our third child is on the way.

I guess this should be one of the reasons that many, but many people, tell us how brave we are to decide to bring a third child to the world (or I should almost say, saving distances, by bringing a child to the third world). The truth is that we do not think much about it either economically, so when they tell me that I usually answer: "I don't know if I am brave or too unconscious." The fact is that, one thing or the other (or both), I do not regret anything.

Anyway, I don't complain too much because I know there are people in a situation much worse than mine today. Mine is something that may or may not come, but that is part of the future. In any case, what a sad world we are leaving our children.

Video: Diary of a Wimpy Alien 8 THE THIRD RESURRECTION Wimpy Kid Alien Terminator Parody (July 2024).