An artist wants to give birth in public

Marni Kotak She is an American artist who has shown, among other things, a recreation in images of her wedding and another of her grandfather's funeral.

We already know that art is something very subjective, and if not they tell the children of 2 and 3 years who made a picture that triumphed in the art gallery "ARCO", so some can call art to things that others We would probably qualify differently, because there is nothing written about tastes.

The point is that Marni Kotak has decided that her birth is a work of art. In other words, he has decided to give birth in public in a "performance" that will receive the title of "The Birth of Baby X", which is the baby you see on ultrasound, which will produce in the Microscope Gallery, In New York.

The reason that the baby is known as "X" is that neither his father nor his mother still knows the sex of the baby. The expected date of delivery is within five weeks, which is when the event is expected to occur. However, since this calving has no date, the gallery already has everything ready to receive the baby.

Kotak will spend the remaining days until the moment of his birth in a "birthplace" so he can give birth to their first child to visitors who are currently in the gallery. As the artist explains, the reason for making such an intimate moment a public event is "show people that real life is the best art".

It is true that many women have shown their births to the world, recorded with a camcorder, but giving birth in front of dozens of strangers is different and can interfere with the future of childbirth, if the mother becomes more aware of creating art than of creating life. She, in case of doubt, has explained that she will be accompanied by a midwife and a doula and has declared that at that time she will be for what she has to be:

I will focus on how to give birth to my baby in the healthiest way possible instead of looking at the public or watching what visitors to the gallery may be thinking.

Currently, while the time of delivery does not arrive, videos and images of Kotak can be seen in the gallery, in addition to works related to her pregnancy, among which is an ultrasound of the baby "X".

I do not want to say much about it because I already say that art is something very subjective, but thus summarizing, just saying that on the one hand it seems a precious way to show the world one of the great miracles of life, that in which women show that incredible capacity they have to give birth to babies that have been born, but that on the other hand seems to me an intimate moment, so intimate, that to me as a father I would like to share with my partner and with my son, and not With strange people.

Website | Marni Kotak Via | The World In Babies and more | Vertical births in Egyptian art, Childbirth seen for the first time thanks to an MRI

Video: Giving Birth To Quintuplets! Hodges Half Dozen (July 2024).