The first children-free restaurants appear in Bilbao

We have often published in Babies and more news about shops, flights and even villages that are unmarked from the rest prohibiting the entry of children.

I have always been critical of these places because, as I often say, we too were once children and we deserved, of course, that we should be taken into account in society.

However, for some time now, my opinion on this part has begun to change and, although it seems a lie, I begin to understand the appearance of places where children are prohibited from entering (with nuances, yes), as has happened in Bilbao where at least two restaurants do not allow entry.

Children yes, non-civic people no

The poster of one of Bilbao's restaurants, named Style, says the following:

Reserved the right of admission to those who with their unsavory behavior ... cause inconvenience to other users, and also to minors, come alone or accompanied.

The first part of the poster is perfectly logical, because no one wants children or people with an uncivil behavior. In the second part prohibits the entry of any minor, regardless of age or behavior.

It is true that they are in their perfect right to do so, but it is also true that children do not have to be excluded from a place to be eaten simply because they are children.

It seems that many adults today have forgotten that one day we were children and, honestly, imagine the face that can be left to a child of 5 or 6 years, entering a restaurant to eat and having to go with his family because children cannot eat there (that is, "because of you, because of being small, because we exist, we cannot enter"). Similarly, imagine the face of a woman who enters her restaurant with her baby and is invited out, simply because she is the mother of a child.

I don't think it's fair, because I understand that the problem is not the fact of being a child, but the lack of education or citizenship of the population, whether children, parents or adults.

They pay just for sinners

So this is like everything, in the end they pay just for sinners, because some restaurants have decided to cure themselves in health and prevent rather than cure: "just in case, that no children enter."

He said at the beginning of the entry that we were also children and deserved our social recognition (which is nothing more than being able to live without having to ask permission). Perhaps the difference is that in the past the children had a behavior that many children now do not have. Or put another way, many parents now are not as responsible as ours were.

For starters, I usually go to restaurants (I don't usually go, but I do ...) where I know there is a children's menu, where I know that my children will go out maybe with a balloon and where there is a children's area where they can play with Other children.

If I have ever been to restaurants where there is nothing like that, I have tried to entertain my children, to talk to them, to tell them something, to play with them and I have even gone out with them if I felt they could bother.

It is logical, children are children and what for us is an entertaining meal talking with other adults about things that we find interesting or funny for children is an inflatable talk between people over 3 hours long and their intention is simply to have fun well also.

However, they don't tell stories, nor explain what happened to them the other day. They have fun running, playing, hiding, shouting, moving things around and, ultimately, maybe bothering people that the last thing they wanted when they went to eat is to have children running around their tables.

This is, I believe, the difference. I would be very upset that they would throw me out of a restaurant for being with my children, because I know they know how to be in public, I know they will not bother me and I know that if they do I will take care of them so that it does not happen.

However, if one day I witnessed it, I would understand that a family whose adults laugh, chat and have fun outside what is happening beyond their table, where other older people feel uncomfortable about the games of some children to whom No one is attending.

But of course, throwing someone from a place is very violent. It is to wait for a party that has already begun and is to punish someone for not knowing how to have moderately controlled children and, what is worse, for not even trying (or caring what they are doing). So before throwing anyone out, the most logical thing is to set a standard: no child enters here, so I don't have to throw any irresponsible father.

Video: Bilbao - Is this the best city in Spain? (July 2024).