If intelligence does not understand gender, why are there fewer girls identified with high capacities than boys?

Intelligence is distributed equally between men and women but, according to statistics, there are fewer girls and adolescents identified with high capacities and giftedness that children, because they tend to camouflage their talent to go unnoticed.

We wanted to analyze this phenomenon and its consequences, as well as some keys that we can put into practice to strengthen girls' self-esteem and self-confidence.

Some figures that make you think

According to data from the organization The World of the Gifted, only 30 percent of girls are evaluated for high capacities and giftedness, compared to 70 of the boys.

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If we look at the latest statistical data of the Ministry of Education, of the 23,745 students identified with high capacities in the 2015-16 academic year, only 8,457 were women. The figures, according to the different academic stages, are distributed as follows:

  • In the Infant stage the proportion was 201 boys versus 51 girls

  • In the Primary stage 12,468 boys were registered against 4,410 girls

  • In the Secondary stage the proportion is 8,597 boys versus 3,057 girls

  • And in Bachelor the distribution is 2,383 male adolescents, compared to 827 girls

  • In FP 12 girls were registered in front of 84 boys

Does this mean that women are less intelligent than men? Not much less! What happens is that girls and adolescents tend to occupy their talent to go unnoticed and be socially accepted.

But why does this phenomenon occur?

Experts identify several causes why girls, and especially teenage girls, camouflage their intelligence, so that his talent even goes unnoticed among teachers and family.

This situation, known as "impostor syndrome", is attributed to these possible causes:

Lack of female references in history

Let's think for a moment. With the exception of Marie Curie, How many women scientists come to mind? Very few. And yet they have always existed and their role has been very important throughout history and, of course, today as well.

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The same happens in other fields such as history, art, technology, mathematics, economics, philosophy, politics ... The lack of references in textbooks and in the media makes girls do not have models to look at, and therefore feel that these types of fields / subjects are not for them.

Stereotyped professions

The data suggest that the so-called STEM careers (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) do not seem to be very attractive to young women.

This should be due to subliminal message of the society that links this type of career to the male gender, and to the assumption that men have an innate ability to pursue these studies, while women need more effort and work to achieve it; when it's not like that at all.

Social stereotypes

As they explain from "The World of the Gifted", gender prejudices are still very present in society, and unfortunately girls grow up with them and perceive them through relationships with others.

It is also frequent to read stories or watch children's films that perpetuate these models, offering an image of the kind, beautiful, sociable, modest and maternal woman, but not smart, leading, independent or competent.

The education received in your environment

As we read on the web, "The rebellion of talent", another reason that would lead girls to hide their talent is the education received in their environment, and what they think is expected of them.

In this sense, many girls grow up in educational environments where Expectations about their capacity are not at the same level as that of their male partners, so they come to assume, from an early age, that they will not be able to achieve the same objectives or face the same challenges as them.

These social pressures are sharpening as the girl grows, so that when she reaches the Bachelor's stage few find enough strength to pursue her interests with energy.

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They seek integration in the group

All this means that the majority of girls and adolescents end up adjusting to the expectations that society has of women, and masking his talent and skills as a way to prevent isolation and to feel integrated within your reference group.

And unfortunately, on many occasions academic success is criticized and rejected among equals, and although it occurs in the same way in boys as in girls, it results in disruptive behaviors or an exaggerated withdrawal that causes parents and teachers they end up suspecting the possibility of high capacities.

From the Association of High Capabilities and Talent point another significant fact, and it is the importance that girls give to social relations, and that leads them to consider in a more dramatic way than their peers, the acceleration of the course or the curricular enrichment.

What can we do about it?

So that this effect does not occur and our daughters can become what they want, a change in social mentality and education is important. In this sense, from the family and schools we can do a lot to help girls develop their full potential:

Show them female role models

It is proven that girls' interest in science and technology is doubled when they have female references to follow.

Parents can contribute by encouraging the reading of feminist books, watching with them documentaries or biographical films about the role of women in history, or attending museums, talks, exhibitions and workshops that teach us more about these references.

Educate on equality and break stereotypes

There are many things we can do to educate our children in equality. To give just a few examples:

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  • Promote free play and not impose gender roles or stereotypes when playing. That is, letting children choose the toys with which they want to develop their creativity and imagination, without interfering with something as pure and wonderful as children's play.

  • Run away from stereotypes related to professions, behaviors, fashion, tastes ... In short, promoting freedom and equality between boys and girls since they are young.

  • Special mention deserve the stereotypes related to beauty, which are present in all areas of our society. It is essential to talk to our children about beauty, not to speak ill of our bodies, not to instill in our daughters any stereotyped images and respect their decisions.

Recognize your ability and boost your self-esteem

Not recognizing the ability and talent of girls is negatively influencing their self-esteem until there comes a time when they do not feel able to aspire to the same goals as their peers.

Therefore, it is essential that adults let's build girls' confidence in themselves and their abilitiesWe encourage them to take risks, explore new areas of study and support them in whatever they wish to be.

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Early detection of high capacities

We must be attentive to detect high capacities early in childhood, as we have seen on other occasions that not doing so can have negative consequences. But in the case of girls it is especially important, because only then can we help them appreciate their full potential and abilities.

Photos | iStock, Pixabay

Video: Are Boys Smarter Than Girls? (July 2024).