"My neighbor Totoro", a sweet animated film for children

A few days ago I recommended the beautiful films of Michel Ocelot: "Kirikú and the witch", "Kirikú and the wild beasts" and "Azur and Asmar". Today I will present another Really wonderful and sweet animation movie for children, "My Neighbor Totoro".

As the holidays arrive with their long summer afternoons and perhaps, a trip by car, it does not hurt to make us a few movies for children that transmit values ​​and distract them with stories full of beauty. I especially want to recommend children's animation films like this one, with stories without fear, crimes or undercover sexism, as they help children to become a more placid image of the world and do not assume violence as normal.

Its director is Hayao Miyazaki and it was made in 1988 although it is still considered one of the best animated films of all time for the beauty of the images and the delicate rhythm of the beautiful and simple history.

It's about a forest spirit they call "Totoro." The protagonists are two girls who spend a season in the field with their father, a sensitive and caring teacher, while their mother recovers from an illness. The little ones discover that the forest is full of magical spirits that only those who are innocent and have a good heart can see.


"My neighbor Totoro" is a beautiful children's animation film You will surely enjoy this vacation with your family. I recommend it for all ages and I am convinced that you will love it.

Video: Mean Tweets Hip Hop Edition (July 2024).