How does feeding influence the baby's sleep?

If we do a survey, feeding and rest are probably the issues that most worry parents about caring for the baby. These two themes are much more related to each other than we can think at the beginning. Did you know that the better the digestion, the more pleasant your rest will be?

In the digestion of the baby not only influences the type of milk - which feels good and likes - but the intake of air. The way of taking the shot, especially with the bottle, is important to minimize air intake. Newborn babies still have the immature digestive system so we must pay close attention to their digestion.

As adults, if you have ever tried to fall asleep with heartburn, you can get an idea of ​​how reflux and gas can affect the baby at bedtime.

How can we help our baby to have better digestion?

Reduce air intake

If you are with Breastfeeding and you notice the restless baby after the taking, it may not be making a proper grip and therefore swallow air while sucking. Check with your pediatrician or midwife to give you directions. In breastfeeding you can perform several postures that facilitate a good grip on the chest. In addition, the angled position of the baby is important to promote digestion. Using an angled breastfeeding cushion can be helpful.

Yes you use bottle, we must pay attention to two fundamental things; tilt the bottle so that the nipple is always full - so suck milk and not air - and choose an anti-colic bottle that reduces as much as possible that the air reaches the nipple.

Most anti-colic bottles on the market have a partial ventilation system. For this reason, the pediatrician and renowned baby sleep specialist, Dr. Kempton, recommends Dr. Brown's bottles as they have a complete ventilation system and are clinically proven to reduce colic.

For the cases he has treated, he has noticed great improvement in baby colic after using Dr. Brown's bottles.

Do not wait to feed him

Ideally, feed on demand as long as there is no medical prescription that indicates otherwise.

If a baby is anxious to eat, it tends to cry intensely swallowing large breaths of air. This causes that, even before starting to eat, your stomach is full of air. In addition, hunger anxiety will make you eat faster and eating in this way does not help to have proper digestion.

Help you expel gas

Babies spend too much time lying down, making it difficult for them to expel gases. We can help you with the following tips:

  • Reduce the speed of the shot and burp at each break.

  • Make the “bicycle” movement with your little legs to help you release the gases.

  • Giving an abdominal massage helps air circulate better through your body and make it easier to expel it.