Frequently asked questions in the third trimester of pregnancy (III)

A few days ago we offered you the second part of this series of entries in which we tried to answer the Frequently asked questions of pregnant women in the third trimester of pregnancy.

In that post we talked about the nest syndrome, the discomfort caused by the size of the belly and hemorrhoids among other things.

Today we offer you the third and last entry of those dedicated to the third trimester of pregnancy:

Why does my back and hips hurt?

Because during pregnancy some hormones are produced that relax the ligaments and joints of the pelvis to promote movement of the bones that make up the pelvic girdle and help the baby to go through the birth canal.

In addition, as the child grows up he adopts various positions and sometimes presses on the lower back. As the belly continues to grow, the pregnant woman changes her center of gravity and tends to lean back, adopting positions that she did not usually take.

All this can help to make both the back and the hips hurt.

Is it dangerous to exercise?

If the pregnancy is going well and if the woman has the energy and motivation to exercise It is advisable to do some activity.

Swimming, walking or even going to work if the woman wants to do it and feels good or take care of household chores, can be some of the possibilities, provided there are not too hard or heavy tasks.

Is it good for someone to massage me?

Massage helps relieve muscle aches and pains. It provides well-being, relaxes and helps to recover energy, in addition to that it can serve to relieve back pain.

In summary: yes, it is good for someone to massage a pregnant woman, although you should keep in mind that rubbing or massaging the abdomen is not recommended.

What will the labor pains be like?

It is difficult to determine because labor pain does not resemble other types of pain, basically because the cause is different. When something hurts it usually means that something is wrong, that there is a problem, however the pain in childbirth is not a symptom (by itself) that something is wrong.

The pain in childbirth will be intermittent, offering moments in which the woman can recover some air and in terms of intensity it will be widely variable: some women hardly notice it, others compare it with menstrual pains and others express that it is such pain It affects the whole body and they are not able to bear it.

Should I write a birth plan?

It is not obligatory, although it is recommended. For some time now, what was considered a pretentious document by the mothers that some professionals reluctantly received "as if this mother knew more than us" (although many others received it willingly) has changed to a concept more practical and respectful and On many occasions it is the same professionals who encourage women to write a birth plan.

That way they can know your desires, your concerns and your knowledge to, from there, work together to achieve a delivery in the best conditions for the mother and the baby.

What happens if I break waters?

Breaking water is what happens when, with dilation, the membranes break and the amniotic fluid goes out. If the pregnancy is at term and waters are broken without contractions, the delivery is likely to occur within the next 24 hours. In 48 hours most women have already given birth.

After that time it could be risky to wait longer, since there is a risk of infection of the uterus and consequently of the baby.

In the event that when the waters were broken they were dark green (the baby has made his first poop inside the uterus) it is necessary to go to the hospital, because of the risk that the baby would have aspirated the waters.

And if there are still doubts

If there are still doubts, you can ask the questions through the new Answers section of the blog, where both editors and readers can offer their wisdom or experience.

Video: Third Trimester Pregnancy: Everything You Need to Know (July 2024).