Highlights in Babies and more: from May 9 to 15

Today as every week we offer you a summary of highlights of the last week in Babies and more, those contents that have especially interested readers.

Regarding the development of our children we have talked about how a child's sexuality evolves, and his way of drawing, which sometimes does not correspond to "what should be" for the child's age or the weight of newborns according to Carlos González .

About child health we talk about the risks of some medications for teething pain and the kangaroo method, and in the space for linguistic development We have known when to help children and how to stimulate language.

Regarding breastfeeding, we have known that children's brains seem to grow longer the longer they are breastfed and the free breastfeeding e-book "From mom to mom", along with data related to dehydration during breastfeeding and pregnancy.

The principle of empathy among children who cry or the revolution that comes with the arrival of the first child, along with the shocking video of "Educate without violence" are other topics that have interested readers. Precisely another form of violence is emotional blackmail, about which we have learned more these days, and we will continue with the issue.

To end a fun theme, we invite you to spend a day at Warner Park in Madrid.

We hope that this week the contents of Babies and more You find them interesting, enjoyable and practical, so we try every day.

Video: Scrub Jay Nest: Series Finale Highlights May 2 - 15, 2015 V18592 (July 2024).