Dads and Moms Blogs (LXV)

Like every week, we go around the net to discover what has been published in the last days in the blogs of dads and moms.

The first recommended post goes to those who, one day, suddenly receive the news of a multiple pregnancy. Martha, Mother of Twins, who has lived it in the first person, gives very successful advice and sums up the feeling very well: Anything can happen today! After the initial shock comes the uncertainty logic, the doubts and deep down, the great joy of waiting for two (or more) babies.

A blog that is the first time I visit and has come a lot is Reflections of a mother (triple) psychologist. Of course I recommend it. In it, Natalia, a mother of triplets with special needs has written a beautiful post about Feeling evaluated and guilty, feelings that mothers often have about what we could or should have done in this or that situation. In short, like her, we conclude that we have done the best we could. And that is the only thing that counts.

Stories of Papa Lobo I have a lot of fun. Lately he is in no easy task to solve how to take a walk at the same time to his little one year and a half to a newborn baby (which will be born shortly). Chairs, cars and other things to ride (First) and (Second part) are a funny and real analysis of the transfer options that parents of two children with little age difference have. Scarves, twin chairs, attachable platforms ... any other suggestions?

In Mommy Treated You have a very practical post that comes to complement perfectly one that we have published recently about the necessary documents to process the ID and passport of the baby. Nothing better than the experience of other parents, so if you are in the process of doing so in the next few days, take good note of what has happened to Tricius. It counts in ID and passport.

Motherhood, an adventure It is a blog written by the mother of a four-year-old girl who came from China. In it he transmits his experiences as an adoptive mother and takes stock two years later, the time that has elapsed since Xiao came into their lives, the same he had when he was picked up from a Chinese orphanage: two years old. Fortunately, the balance is positive.

If you are going to celebrate your little one's birthday soon, you may be interested in how to make the Pocoyo cake with step-by-step explanations that you can find in My Boys and I. We thank the "mother of my boys" on behalf of who uses it, for sharing the recipe and preparing the birthday cake.

Finally, we recommend the Special on Road Education for children that has just started on the blog Safe Circle. In the first entry he says something disturbing that the road education of a child begins 20 years before he is born, that is to say that the children's road education always starts from the parents' road education, therefore we have the responsibility of convey good habits since they are little, and of course, by leading by example.

Next week we will take another tour of the network and bring you the contents of the moms and dads blogs that we found more interesting to share with you.

Video: Parents & Kids Smoke Weed Together for the First Time. Strange Buds. Cut (July 2024).