What do mothers want? (I)

Following the controversial statements of the Minister of Labor that he considered that schooling newborns would be a measure in favor of equality, conciliation and economic growth conceals another very different reality: what mothers want Really and to this, not to the fantasies of any politician, I want to refer now to the conviction that a free, fair and democratic society must be at the service of people and strive to adapt to its true vital objectives, and not vice versa.

What mothers want It is something that, beyond the ideology of each one, should be taken into account by the politicians who intend to represent us.

If you really want to help women and those who are mothers, and also their children, it would be appropriate to really listen to them, attend to their real problems and give them solutions in line with their aspirations. Do not act with your back to them and your wishes.

After the appearance of the European study we talked about recently, which reveals that, according to the OECD, Spain must improve its conciliation policies, the reality shows that we are a disaster in this respect of conciliation.

In other aspects, such as maternal and child mortality, our position is good, number 12 in the ranking published by Save the Children on the best countries in which to be a mother. Regarding maternity leave or equal pay, we still have a lot to improve, if we compare ourselves to Sweden, Italy or the United Kingdom.

The Global Mothers Movement Survey

In addition, of these data, I think it is essential to analyze the data published by the World Mothers Movement, a Federation of Associations that represents mothers and their families since 1947 and is considered a General Consultant of the United Nations.

This body has just published the results of a survey conducted in 2011 to European women over 18 who reveal in it what really worries them and what their real aspirations are. Something to keep in mind and what I invite you to reflect with me.

The Global Mothers' Movement has the express objective of making society and political leaders aware of the importance of mothers in achieving a more peaceful world and bringing social and economic progress to all equally.

So we are going to ask you and ask our readers what mothers want, while we contrast them with the results of the survey that the World Mothers Movement just published.

European mothers

European women and mothers They have excellent training. We have spent years preparing, studying, striving. In fact, women tend to have greater representation in the University even.

However, and it is an unquestionable reality, we continue to have problems to enter the labor market, maintain the rise in our career especially if we are mothers and we do not reach management positions easily.

Motherhood as a source of discrimination

Motherhood seems to be a problem for our work development, not because of us, but because of a system that does not contemplate the real importance of upbringing in the wealth of a society or helps women, and men not, to make paternal responsibilities compatible and the time a child needs, The work, which is designed with incompatible schedules with children and does not help those who need or want to disconnect for a few years to raise their children.

Many resources are lost with this model, women are lost who could continue to contribute their value part-time or after a few years of delivery to motherhood, parents are lost who must settle to see their children a couple of hours at day.

What solutions does society offer us? It seems that the model drives us to give up the aspiration to stay with our babies for more than a few months. It forces us to join the labor market with a model designed for people who do not have children or who accept, conforming, what is respectable if it is not mandatory, to leave them from babies in institutions that take care of them much of the time of day.

But is that what mothers want? We will see in the next topic some answers to this key question.

Video: What Do Mothers Really Want ? (July 2024).