Weekend and at 7:00 up

Sleeping all night or sleeping until one wants is something that parents remember only from past times. Soon, having a child, you realize that schedules no longer mark you and that It doesn't matter if it's Monday or Saturday. If you have to get up, you have to get up.

During the time when none of our children went to school there was not much problem, because we all went to bed around eleven o'clock at night and the children woke up around nine or ten in the morning (with their night wakings, of course), outside work day or holiday. However, when the school started, the older one had a schedule adjustment that caused the time to go to sleep to get ahead and, consequently, the time to wake up.

However, adults, we tend to relax when the weekend comes and take the opportunity to go to sleep a little later, thinking (illusions) that we will sleep more in the morning. As this does not happen, it is for photography the face that remains when our son gets up, asks if it is already daylight and, looking at the clock, we realize that it's a little after seven in the morning.

So there is no choice, you get up with the sheet almost glued, watery eyes, unbalanced balance and the desire that ten years pass and you can sleep soundly. "Silly", you tell yourself later, ten years from now they will wake you up even earlier, at five or six in the morning, because it will be when they arrive from the street, that is if you have slept.

The opinion of my friends

The opinion of my friends about it (or in other words, how the movie changes depending on whether you have children or not) is uneven. A friend told me one day, with considerable anger as I remembered, what fed up that he was having his neighbor's children up at seven in the morning on Saturdays and Sundays: “That they get up at that time during the week is worth it, but the fuck, on the weekend they are in bed longer, that they wake us up". My face, of course, that of a poem without rhyme. How do I explain to this one that children don't know about weekends? I thought, and how I didn't see a way to do it, because I didn't. You will find out, now, when you are a father.

Another of my friends told me something similar: “Don't see the noise the boy makes from the ones above in the morning, he's fed me up". The first is serious, not knowing how to understand the world of children's schedules, but the second is a courthouse because he is father, of a girl, who until now did not make too much noise but, as she grows up, she is uncovering (and sure that she already equals her neighbor above).

Unless they make little noise

Anyway, I agree with you in some way, there are people who do not take into account what time it is and, if their children have risen, Castile is wide.

Me, that in each entry I write I end up putting the word "respect", even if I go with a shoehorn (you thought I wouldn't say it this time, huh?). Anyway, what I was going to do: I, who keep in mind that at seven o'clock on a Saturday morning there are people sleeping and that I always try not to do what I would not like someone to do to me, I try to instill in my children that respect for the neighbors.

“Shhh! Silence, that the neighbors sleep ... if you make noise they will wake up scared saying 'What happens!?, What happens !?', so you better not make noise 'and I both stay (especially Jon, who understands me more) worried trying not to make too much noise. Then we look for something to do that does not involve throwing, breaking, throwing, squealing, jumping, running, falling, laughing, crying, etc. as simple as having breakfast or watching TV (everything is little in order to provide rest to the neighbors of that community, although they care less about our rest sometimes).

Anyway, the case is that I comment: Saturday, Sunday, those days that were invented to rest and your children do not forgive.

Video: Epic Meet 2016 Weekend. MY EPIC WEEKEND NTK Edit (July 2024).