How to act before a breast engorgement

A few days ago we talked about the breast engorgement (When the milk and perhaps the edema resulting from the sera at birth accumulate in the breasts, making them too full) and we offered a solution, the so-called reverse pressure softener.

As we explained, this solution is part of other recommendations that can also help to solve the engorgement and minimize discomfort.

Today we are going to explain what are the other indications to have a few “shock” tools in case at any time a nursing mother suffers a breast engorgement.

The goal when this happens is simple, we must remove fluid from the chest, since a engorgement can lead to mastitis if there is no remedy. For this, the liquid can take two paths, either outwards, or again inwards (and when we talk about liquid we talk about milk, blood, lymph, ...).

Recommendations for breast engorgement

  • Use local cold in the breast (but not in the areola): As you know, the cold is vasoconstrictor. It causes the ducts to narrow and therefore there is less fluid circulating (which is why it is considered to be anti-inflammatory). Ice wrapped in a towel can be used, for example, and should be applied to the chest, avoiding the areola and the nipple, that is, applying it to the upper and lower axillary and thoracic area (if applied in the areola the exit can be compromised of milk as the blood supply of the nipple).
  • Make with your hands the reverse pressure softener: As we explained in the entry dedicated to her.
  • Put the baby to the chest so that it sucks the sooner the better.
  • At the end of the shot, if the chest is still inflamed, we will reapply cold the same way
  • If we have anti-inflammatory prescribed for postpartum pain, continue with them, as they can lend a hand to deflate the breasts. Most anti-inflammatories are safe, but when in doubt you can always ask a question at
  • Between shots we can use one of those "grandmother's tricks" that work. The cabbage leaves, applied directly to the chest (and fastened with a bra), help to deflate the breasts. These leaves contain tannins that absorb excess heat and help deflate. To ensure good contact, the nerves of the blade can break through a roller over it. Normally you have to change them every 20 minutes, because the leaves are cooked. It is recommended to make a hole to avoid again, as with ice, contact with the areola and the nipple.

Take out the milk?

The best breast pump that exists is the baby, so a priori Ideally, it is he who sucks to empty the breasts. Now, in the first few days there are babies who are more sleepy than hungry and may not pump enough milk.

Then it can be useful and relieving to express breast milk manually. The breast pump is not recommended in this situation, as we said in the previous entry, because the type of suction that accumulates more lymph and milk in the area of ​​the areola and worsens the situation.

The milk we extract will be stored in the fridge, with more reason if we are in the first postpartum days, when we will probably get colostrum (also called “white gold”). When the shots are finished, we will give it to the baby with a spoon, it is highly recommended.

Things to keep in mind, just in case

If there has been a engorgement such that it has required all these interventions there could be some cause and therefore each case has to be investigated a little.

Ideally, go to a health professional who is an expert in breastfeeding or to a breastfeeding support group. They will look for the cause by observing the following points:

  • Posture of the baby: how breast, what is the position, anatomy of the baby's mouth and tongue, how the mother is placed to breastfeed, etc.
  • Pacifier: If you use it, you will be advised to remove it, as it could be causing confusion in the baby and make the suction incorrect and not extract the milk as it should, then causing the obstruction.
  • Frequency of the shots: evaluate what the frequency of the shots is and increase it if necessary to help to have a better milk extraction. If the child does not ask, because he is very sleepy, it must be the mother who marks the demand.


With these indications the picture will be solved little by little, within a period of between a few hours and about three days. During that time, it may be normal for the breasts to be soft after the shots but to harden again in a few minutes, just as it may be normal to have a little fever. If so, anti-inflammatories may be helpful if we are not taking them.

Video: Benefits of Cabbage Leaves for Relief of Engorged Breasts (July 2024).